Chapter sixteen

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Oliver's prov.

Running into the Hecate cabin, I searched for Terry.

Some of her brothers an sisters were in there but Terry, was no were two be seen.

"Where's Terry's room!" I screamed, the group of Hecate kids just looked at me in fear and pointed to the wall.

Anger was building up inside of me, knowing I couldn't get threw the wall due to me not being a gifted son of Hecate or having an amulet to let me pass threw it because I was the son of Apollo not the the goddess of magic!

Putting my ear to the wall I listened to hear if Terry was in there, all I heard was water splashing and a voice talking it sounded familiar but i assumed it was the tv before I pulled my ear back.

"Terry!" I shouted hoping she could hear me, I turned to one of Terry's sisters.

"Help me in here now!" I screamed at her, she started to walk towards the wall but then a wet hand on my shoulder.

Turning I couldn't help my self as I pulled my best friend into a hug, than releasing her she just smiled and laughed.

"What's got you all about?" Terry asked me, like there wasn't a care in Olympus.

"Gods Terry you scared me, monsters toke Aurora then she left a note saying they were going to kidnap you and we need to find her." I told Terry as I handed her the note, she seemed a little mad when I spoke of the almost goddess.

"Oliver, where is Aurora and why did you run off?" Chiron asked me, once he stepped into the cabin the Hecate kids just seemed to disappear deeper into the cabin.

"They toke Aurora, monsters I think. And they left a note, how they got into camp I have no idea." Terry told Chiron, handing him a note.

I glanced over at her, there was no 'I think monsters' it was monsters.

"Look I have a confession, the quest you three were assigned on was to get Aurora to Olympus safe and the gods would give you a gift that would give us more strength and more protection against monsters to help the camp.

Then you were to return here, we were suppose to have it to help camp.

Now that they kidnapped Aurora you need to go to Olympus and ask for help, then where ever they send you will be where she is at and you have tell the clock strikes midnight on Oliver's birth day." Chiron told me and Terry, my draw dropped and Terry seemed angry.

"When do we leave?" I questioned Chiron, he turned to me.

"You leave now." He told us.

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