Chapter eighteen

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Oliver's prov.

We were out side the camp, then every thing went hay wire...

Terry was kissing me, and when I felt an unbearable pain in my back I knew what was happening Aphrodite knew someone other than my one true love was kissing me.

I was going to pull away but the dagger pointing into my back stopped me and I kissed back, I knew now Terry was the one who done all of this especially to Aurora.

She stopped the kiss and smiled at me,  I felt my chest dying in pain this also meant I already meet my true love and I know exactly who it was.

Wanting for another person right now was coursing threw me, I needed some else and here Terry was separating me from her and it was killing me.

"I am not in love with you." I told her, looking in her eyes she frowned at me.

"Than who are you in love with?" She asked me, with a questionable look on her face.

"Terry you need to let her go." I told her, an angry look quickly toke over her face.

"You love her?" She asked enraged obviously, I set a dead tone all around my face.

A plan popped into my head, I just needed to lie.

"No Terry, your the one I want. We need to let her go so we can get that gift from Olympus." I told her hoping it would work, she frowned at me.

"I don't believe you." Terry snarled, then cut me with her dagger.

Darkness toke over my vision, and I dropped to the ground.

Aurora's prov.

Aphrodite popped in and charm spoke the monsters to not fight her, I felt like an idiot not doing that.

"Dear child, I know who Oliver's one true love is and brace your self sweet heart for it is you!" She cheered, I froze.

"Come on be happy, you two love each other!" She shouted, I nodded slowly and she squeaked.

"Why does it hurt?" I asked her, Aphrodite looked over at me with a sad expression.

"Oh child, it happens when ever your one true love hurts you but don't worry Oliver didn't mean it." She told me, I frowned.

"How did he not mean it?!" I shouted, this time she frowned.

"You might be the goddess of Demons young lady, but you have to figure that out your self." She told me sternly I nodded and looked up at her.

Even though she lost me at being the goddess of Demons.

"Can you at least help me with my bindings?" I asked, she clicked her fingers and the rope turned into rose petals.

"Thanks." I told her, she smiled than disappeared.

Looking over at the monsters I saw they were getting out of their charm speak charm, I frowned even more when I saw a blue light showing on the wall.

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