To Lost Island!

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Usopp's jaw hit the floor. Sanji and Zoro were yet again lost for words.

"Hey you're all here," Apis climbed over Ryu's head.

"Yo!" You raised a hand from where you leant back against Ryu's feathers. You leant down to avoid him from eating you. "You took your sweet time getting the others, Nami."

She ignored you, "Guys, this is one of those millennial dragons that Bokunen was talking about."

"Hey! Let's see if he can fetch!"


Sanji dashed over to you, "So this is where you went, my lovely (y/n)-chwan~<3 I panicked when I saw you were no longer by my side; I thought something had happened to you~<3"

"You insult me." You looked into the dragon's massive yellow eye. "It really is a shame Caspar isn't here... He would be more able to tell where Lost Island will re-emerge than us."

Zoro sweatdropped as you absentmindedly dodged Ryu's gaping mouth yet again, "I'm guessing he's the one who can see the past."

You nodded, "In the grand scheme of things, I would be the weakest out of my siblings because of the lack of clarity in my gift. Caspar can see the past of anything he touches, and Moko can see whatever is happening at that moment, no matter where." You tapped your back, "According to Mello that is..."

"H...hang on for a moment," Usopp held up a hand, "what was that about Lost Island?"

Apis slid down Ryu's back, "Grandpa Ryu's certain that it will resurface any day now, but he can no longer remember where." She stroked his head, "It's not his fault, Grandpa's just gotten old and lost the energy to fly. But I have to make sure Grandpa Ryu gets back to his home, no matter what it takes. It's the only way to save him."

The dragon's eye softened, twinkling slightly.

"Anyways this dragon is the reason why the marines have been chasing after Apis." Nami said authoritatively.

You tilted your head, "From what I've heard about Nelson, that sounds about right. He would leap at any chance to become immortal, however slim those chances are."

She nodded, "I bought the rest of you here because Apis needs our help to take him back to his home on Lost Island."

"Are you nuts? In case you forgot, Nami, the marines are after us too! With that blockade we are going to have enough trouble escaping ourselves, let alone with a ginormous dragon!"

"Nosey is right," you jumped up to avoid Ryu's head, "Especially now, because I have joined your crew after being in hiding for so long. Sorry bout that."


"PLEASE LISTEN!" Apis looked imploringly at him, "Grandpa Ryu just wants to go home. Luffy said..."

"Oh no-"

Nami slapped him on the back of the head, "Be quiet. We are helping Apis, no matter what. The problem is that we have no idea where Lost Island is, but the dragon should have migratory instincts which will help us find it."

"Yeah!" Luffy grinned from where he was sitting on top of a rock. "What are we waiting for, let's get going!"

"But Luffy..."

"Don't worry, we'll work it out."


"It seems fun!"


Sanji lit his cigarette, "I agree, but first thing's first. How are we supposed to bring our big friend down the mountain and onto the Going Merry?"

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