More family?!!? MORE?!

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I don't own One Piece. If I didn't, I would make Garp wear that weirdass dog hat all off the time


"H..." You blinked. And blinked again. "Huh?"

"Run that past one more time please..." Mello drooped limply over your shoulder.

Luffy let out another gigantic snore.

"A.. Are you really going to give us a ship?!" Sanji's one visible eye grew wide in disbelief. "Even after you only got the wood after stealing from us?"

"That's right." Franky's grin stretched from ear to ear. "Nothing would make me happier than having people I like travelling on my ship. And... haha..." He scratched the back of his neck. "It's like you said. I only got this 'cause of you guys's cash... So it's kinda like you gave me the money for it anyways..."

This was honestly the first time you'd heard of them losing the money... Although it wasn't as if you could blame them. First off you and Robin had been 'kidnapped' by CP9, then you'd almost died, then you all had almost died, and once you'd gotten back you'd suddenly bumped into an Admiral?! There was just way too much happening all at once to properly wrap your head around it.

It was as if you'd just passed a threshold of some sorts. A point of no return. The question was- teeth gnawed into your lip- what sort of danger was now looming over the horizon?

"The Oro Jackson, Gold Roger's ship," Franky continued, completely oblivious to the thoughts whirling around in your head, "was one of the only ships to have ever made a journey around the globe. That was built with this same treasure tree. So I swear-" BAM! The floorboards groaned with the impact of two metal hands slamming down into them with full force- "I'll build you all an incredible ship!"

Silence. None of your crew quite knew what to say... or how to say anything for that matter. Save for Luffy, who remained fast asleep in his meal. Eventually-


You turned to see a loving glint enter Kokoro's eye.

"Guess it can't he helped huh?" Her gaze softened, and for a brief moment you caught a glimpse of what she'd used to be. Before time and stress had taken its toll on her. "Both you and Tom are true shipwrights after all."

"Yeah." Franky's head lolled to the ground. "Now..." His lips curled into a strangely boyish smile. As if he'd been infected with the same energy that Kokoro had. "Now I can finally understand his feelings as he died with pride."

Tom. That was the person Franky has spoken about on the bridge wasn't it? You felt your shoulders sag a little. Must have been a pretty awesome person to inspire this much awe in someone.

"I wish we could have met him."

'Yeah... me to-'


The sheer excitement from your crewmates blasted you everything into focus. It seemed so long ago that you'd travelled to Water 7 worried about if you could sail on... and now you could! You could actually travel to the next island! You actually had a ship!

But it was bittersweet. As you remembered the sacrifice that made this possible.

"Hey Franky?"

"Huh?" His grin doubled in size as he saw you, "Good to see you doing good and healthy again Li'l Sis! Now what can I do for ya?"

"It's nothing much." You tried to think straight as his large hand aggressively ruffled your hair. "Just... gonna ask you... about a craftsman..."

"You're going to ask our Big Bro about a craftsman?" One of the square-haired women (you really wished you knew their names already) sitting either side of him gaped.

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