Let's search for El Dorado!

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I don't own One Piece. If I did, I would ride a pink polka dotted bird...horse...thing. On second thought, no I wouldn't. That sounds ridiculous.


The clock ticked. You'd never liked that clock. It felt like it was always counting...down to what, you didn't know.

Sometimes you thought that they put it there to mock you.

The door flung open, "So you're the prestigious CP9?" The pallid man sniggered. Metal plating surrounding his jaw clanked, "I can't wait to see how I'll use you guys!"

"So he is the new chief?" Mello clucked his tongue. "How ridiculous..."

The other agents reacted with the same level of disgust. Some voiced their anger audibly, such as Jabra's growl, Blueno's grunt, or Fukurou's zipper. Others merely showed their tiny visual cues; a push of the glasses, a lower of the head, and the swish of hair. Even Lucci's eyebrow twitched.

You couldn't blame them quite frankly. After years of dealing with Spandine, no one wanted to deal with his bratty son.

What was his name again?

"I am your new chief. I expect you all to call me Chief Spandam, now-" his sunken eyes sparkled as he sprawled himself into the boss' chair, "I heard that there's an Ancient Weapon here? Can anyone tell me where it is?"

Flinching, you raised your hand.

"Huh?" His face distorted into a grimace, "Missy Sai?! Wh-why are you here? I order you all to arrest her!"

Lucci frowned next to you, "There's no need. She has been working for us the entire time." He left it there, but what everyone wanted to say hung tangibly in the air.

Didn't Spandine tell him? How was he supposed to lead them?

"Ah...yes. I knew that! I was...just testing you!" Sweating slightly, he kicked his feet onto the desk.

Kalifa's eyes flared. She was always one for etiquette and manners.

"So." He obliviously eyed your still raised hand, "Where is it? Tell me!"

"He seems rather eager, doesn't he?"

'Yeah...' You dipped your head, "I'm...the Ancient Weapon."

"What?!" Spandam snarled, "YOU'RE the... That's impossible!" Jumping to his feet, he paced forwards to stand right in front of you, "People can't be Ancient Weapons!"

"She is Kronos." Lucci said, "Which is known as an organic Ancient Weapon. The only organic weapon as far as we know."

"Ah...I see." He smirked, grabbing your face with his sweaty hand.

"That's sexual harassment." Kalifa gingerly pushed up her glasses.

He gaped at her, "You see a person here? It's just a weapon. A tool to make me be seen as the world's greatest hero. It's not even human!"

Your vision tunneled. Spandine had at least...he had...


He slapped you, "Since when did I give you permission to speak?! I am your master now!"

The clock ticked.

Sighing, he pulled you off the couch, "I can't believe dad didn't deal with this properly. He's normally so thorough about this sort of thing. Oi...long nose over there..."

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