I'm a Rocketman

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I don't own One Piece. If I did, there would be a Rocketman themed funfair ride. It needs to happen.


This... was not how you'd expected this to go. Sure, you may have seemed confident when you'd toppled backwards off the Tower of Justice and into a seemingly bottomless pit...

But that didn't change the fact you hadn't meant to in the slightest!

And it seemed like you couldn't do a thing about it. Your body was limper than paper, tossing this way and that with the slightest bit of force. Forget about summoning Mello to slow your fall, you were drained.

"You... are an idiot."

"Am not!" You grimaced, trying your hardest to ignore the wind whistling through your ears. "All I wanted to do was get that collar off. And I did, didn't I?"

"An impressive feat, considering you had absolutely no idea what you were actually doing."

Yes. To be honest you were amazed that it'd worked at all. But boy it was a good feeling to have that collar off. Plus, while it still hurt to speak that much, you could actually communicate now! Which was awesome! You'd forgotten how great it was to hear your own voice, and whoo boy you weren't going to forget it in a hurry.

"How excellent. Was this whole palava worth siphoning off every shred of energy we had left?"

To see that look on Spandam's face...


"Excellent. Then I have no arguments in the slightest."

You couldn't help the smirk widening over your face. "Good to know we're on the same page."

"Make no mistake, you are still not off the hook for sapping our strength! However when it comes to that man... I can live with a few inconveniences."

"You and me both."

So there you were. Falling. And with absolutely nothing to stop you.

Things were looking great.


A large force slammed into your back, forcing out the last of your air. What the... What in Kronos' name was that!? There shouldn't be anything out here... Oh.

"ARE YOU INSANE OR SOMETHING!?" Franky, hands clamped on your shoulders, started semi-aggressively shaking your brains out. "WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU WILLINGLY JUST FALL LIKE THAT?! DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH OR SOMETHING?!"

Couldn't you ask him the same thing? It's not as if you asked him to jump off after you.

"Now don't you look at me like that!" Hissing, he wagged a finger in front of your face. "I only came down here because SOMEONE decided it'd be a SUPER idea to take a swan dive into an infinite waterfall!"

"It wasn't exactly planned..." But hey. You sighed, and gave a begrudged smile. You couldn't exactly blame him for following his moral code. He'd been willing to stop you from jumping off a rooftop before. Why wouldn't he do that again.

Putting aside that whole thing had been one massive misunderstanding and you were never planning on jumping in the first place... Eh. Didn't matter.

"So... You got any ideas on how to... y'know... not die?"


You stared at him. Blankly.


"If I did, do you think I would still be falling?"

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