Chapter 19- Radiator Springs Shopping Spree

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Chapter 19- Radiator Springs Shopping Spree

"That was fun!" Fudge declared an hour later when the game was over and her sopping wet khakis were beginning to dry out.

"Yeah..." Lightning agreed sadly. He still couldn't believe what Luigi had told him.

"We should do this more often!" she added.

"Yeah..." Fudge, why are you doing this to me? the stock car wondered. "Well, all that playing has sure made me thirsty! You know what would be great right now? Some homemade organic fuel."

Fillmore's eyes widened in amazement. "Really?!"

Sarge couldn't believe it either. "That freak juice?! Are you kidding me?!"

"Can I come?!" Fudge requested eagerly.

Lightning smiled. Like Luigi and everyone else, he was willing to give Fudge just about anything she wanted at that point.

"Sure, Fudge-O!" he agreed.

"Yay!" the five-year-old cheered joyfully, climbing onto his hood.

"Let's go!" Lightning drove off with Fudge.

"Look after her!" Luigi called after Lightning.

"I will!" he called back.

"Are we going shopping?" Fudge asked.

"Yeah, we are!"

"I need money!" the human girl announced. "I have six dollars and nine cents!" (Not including the money Doc had given her.)

"Wow!" Lightning exclaimed. "That's a lot! But I don't think you need any money today! I'll pay, okay?"


Soon, Fudge and Lightning were over at Fillmore's.

"I don't come here often", Fudge announced once they were there.

"Why not?" Lightning wondered.

"It smells funny."

Lightning chose not to respond to that. He could guess why it smelt funny, but Fudge was far too young and innocent to know about that kind of thing.

"Wow! This organic fuel is great!" he declared after trying some (while Fudge sipped on some oil-free fruit juice Fillmore had made). "Why haven't I heard about it before?"

"It's a conspiracy, man!" Fillmore yelled. "The oil company's got a grip on the government! They're feedin' us a bunch of lies, man!"

Fudge, who was sat, drawing and refusing to let either Lightning or Fillmore see her paper, looked from one car to the other, confused.

"Okay", Lightning replied. "I'll take a case."

"Tell Uncle Fillmore about the surprise!" Fudge instructed.

Fillmore smiled. "Fudge, if he tells me, it won't be a surprise, man."

"Well, I need your help with it", Lightning explained before telling Fillmore exactly what he'd told Luigi.

"Far out, man!" was Fillmore's answer.

"So... you'll help me?"

"Yeah, man. What do you need me to do?"

Lightning told him and Fillmore agreed.

Next, Fudge and Lightning went over to Sarge's Surplus Hut.

"Hi!" Fudge called to him.

Sarge smiled. Everyone in town did when they saw Fudge. And it wasn't often that Sarge let down his tough guy appearance and smiled, but who could resist Fudge? Not even Sarge. "Hey, soldier!" he greeted her.

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