New Wings

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"You must push away, or you will kill him".

"Oh who cares, let the girl kill him, it was going it was going to happen anyway"

I pushed away listening to the "good" voice in my head, I didn't want him dead. Not without a good enough reason that is. I will never understand why we kill things when they have done nothing to us in return. My back hit the wall behind me, deja vu flooded me, pain and the blue-eyed boy was there. But as soon as the feeling came, it was gone. Not giving me time to question what I had just seen. I looked blankly at the guys face, tilting my head at him.


"NO MORTAL, I AM EMBER AND YOU WILL ADDRESS ME AS SUCH, OR I WILL NOT HESITATE TO TAKE YOUR LIFE!" I yelled it was an empty threat. I wouldn't kill him just because he called me another name. That's how demons gained power and were remember for a longer time, but still. I need to frighten him.

His face fell and he let his hand drop back to his side. He walked back to whom I'm guessing are his parents. While they mumbled some shit, I came to a conclusion that they aren't mortals. Mainly because of their sharp facial features. No mortal has that sharp of a facial structure. After mumbling for a few more minutes, whom I'm guessing was the dad stepped forward with his hands behind his back. I took in his appearance and was almost convinced that I was in a church and he was the priest. I tensed and reached back towards my trusty dagger. He swung his arm forwards and throwing something at me. I was going to throw my dagger when something flew out of nowhere and blocked my vision. Filling my vision with onyx.

I relaxed, whatever had been blocking my view retracted away. I looked around to see what had been blocking my view. I gasped in absolute shock and astonishment.

Two huge wings stretched out from my back. They were enormous! Maybe ten feet tall, maybe taller I couldn't tell. The room is not large enough to get an accurate measurement. The tips were bent at the top as the touched the ceiling. The wings were open with a huge wing span. They slightly bent inwards towards me at the points. The feathers, like a hawk covering every inch, except for the Pointy bone sticking out at the top. They looked rigid yet gentle. The top of the wings were pitch black. Then, as they got closer to the bottom flecks of red, orange, and yellow were splashed across the bottom. It looked like molten lava itself was flowing through the wings. If you looked closely the color spread through the whole wing. Making it seem like there was a fire inside of the wings, and the obsidian wings were trying to conceal it. I reached out my left hand to my right wing. Even though the tips and wings themselves appeared to be like jagged rocks they turned out to be like velvet and silk. The satin wings would make an even a swan envious. I didn't know that I had wings, it sure as hell would make traveling a whole lot easier.

I wondered how long the wingspan was, I extended them all that I could given the room and all the dresser and stuff in it. I extended and retracted them for about ten minutes. It was entertaining. Like I said, I wasn't able to extend them, because of all the damned furniture in the room. I positioned them back to how they were before I started messing with them. Hum, I wonder how I was to put them back into my back, and how the hell do wings fit in my back without giving me any pain? It's not like I can walk around in them without breaking a crap load of stuff. How do you walk around in public with humorous wings sticking out of your back? Can you imagine not only the gawking you would receive but all the accidents they would cause? And let's not forget, all the people that would try to experiment on me. While I was deep in thought about my wings, someone threw a bucket full of holy water at me. Let me tell you that, that shit hurts more than being run over by a bus multiple times. I turned to face my attacker, and glared at the elderly women, dressed in a white robe. She resembled the man that looked like a priest. She was shaking, regret written all over her sharp features.

This was going to be fun. I could tell

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