Chapter 13: Kyoto Arc: Predate

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It had a been a couple of days with Issei enjoying a nice family dinner with his parents along with Invigld and her mother. The situation in the underworld was now calm and the old maou faction had been completely exterminated. Currently we find our protagonist lazily sitting on his chair by the window waiting for the class to begin.

He wondered when Invigld would join the school. He knew that she was homeschooled and rather shy which was why she hadn't joined. He however quickly pushed those thoughts to the back of his brain as the door opened and his homeroom teacher entered the class.

"Alright class I have two announcements to make. We will be having a transfer student joining us and There will be a change in your homeroom. I have been transferred to another class so a new sensei has been assigned to yours. So without further ado let me first call in the Transfer student." The teacher announced.

The door opened and Invigld stepped in with a shy look on her face and said "Ano my name is Invigld Leviston I recently moved to Japan with my mother please take care of me." She said in perfect Japanese.

"Ooh a foreigner and she can speak perfect Japanese how amazing." The girls in the class tittered excitedly. The perverted duo were about to make a perverted comment about but were stopped when Issei punched the two of them on the head and said

"Shut it you are already making her uncomfortable with your mere presence don't add to that effect with your words." Sitting back in his seat he ignored the looks of shock that his classmates had when he hadn't made any perverted comments himself. Though he hadn't done anything perverted in nature since he returned a month ago after dealing with loki, it was still hard for his classmates to accept the change.

"Thank you for the help Hyoudou. Leviston san please sit next to Hyoudou he'll show you around during the break or after school." The teacher said in a slightly dazed voice. Issei nodded in response as he smirked inwardly magic was truly a wonderful thing.

Issei then motioned Invigld towards the seat next to him and smiled at her as she sat down. The look in her eyes told him that she wasn't very happy with the fact that he had used magic on a regular human being and she was going to have words with him about that soon.

"And now for your new homeroom teacher please give her a big hand." The teacher said as he pointed towards the door as Rossweisse entered the room. Once again gasps of shock went around the room but were quickly silenced when the introductions were done. Once done the old homeroom teacher bid the class fair well and left the room.

Rossweisse then turned to the class and said "The first thing on our propaganda is the upcoming class trip to kyoto. The principal and the rest of the senseis have decided that this year will be a two week long trip instead of the normal 4 day one. We will be staying in one of the top tier resorts while having several guides who will show us around the city. We will be visiting several historical sights along with generally touring the state. Any questions?"

"Just one sensei, Do we need to stay in our uniforms or are we allowed to dress up according to our choice?" Issei asked as he lazily raised his arms and gave an equally lazy wave.

"You can wear clothes of your own choosing Hyoudou san. Though you will need to check in with the teacher assigned with your class. It wouldn't do to have any of our students to get lost in a city as big as kyoto wouldnt it?" Rossweisse said with a slightly humerous tone near the end getting a small round of chuckles as a result.

"Thanks sensei." Issei said with a light smile as he calmly leaned back into his chair. Rossweisse only nodded in response and looked over to class silently asking if anyone else had any more questions to ask.

"Ano sensei when will the trip take place?" Asia asked politely, she was wearing a forlorn expression on her face as she tentatively eyed Issei.

"The trip will take place a week from now. Anyone else?" Rossweisse said as she fleetingly glanced around the class.

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