Chapter 7: Loki Arc: Final

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"[WELSH DRAGON BALANCE BREAKER :- SCAIL MAIL.]" Ddraig called out announcing the scail mail.

"Lets begin shall we." Issei said after which both Vali and Issei launched themselves at loki. There balance breakers shining with pure power in their respective auras.

Issei slashed ascalon at loki who dodged the slash but had to use his hands in order to block Valis punch that was targeted to his mid section. He however didnt get much reprieve as Rossweisse used this exact moment to launch a strong magical attack at loki from behind. The attack connected making the god of mischief grunt a little.

Lokis momentary lack of control was what Issei and Vali needed as Vali connected a vicious haymaker to Lokis stomach before getting in a vicious hook. And sending loki flying towards Issei. As Loki was approaching Issei ddraig called out "[BOOST BOOST BOOST BOOST BOOST BOOST BOOST EXPLOSION TRANSFER.]"

A reddish black aura formed itself around Issei before it concentrated itself on ascalon. As soon as the aura was in place Issei swung his sword at Loki and said "Take this DOMINATING DIVINE SLASH"

A red wave of energy left ascalon and hit loki head on sending him crashing into the ground with a loud explosion. All 3 fighters remained floating in the air looking at the smoke expectantly.

Soon a surge of wind blew the smoke away revealing the smirking form of Loki looking at the trio. There was hardly any scratch on his person. If one looked closely they would spotted an amused glint in his eyes. "How fun, the three of you actually managed to land an attack each, on me. I guess I will have to slightly take this seriously." Loki said before he raised his power and disappeared in a burst of speed before he appeared in the center of Vali, Issei, and Rossweisse before giving a small shout and sending a strong wave of magic outside sending the trio crashing into the ground.

Loki then said, "I am tired of waiting I shall bring Ragnorak upon this world on my own." As soon as he finished he began to collect his magic and was about to release it into the inter-dimensional space.

"Loki Sama you cant, that will disrupt the balance found in the interdimensional space," Rossweisse screamed at him but Loki just laughed in response before releasing a very large torrent of magical energy into the dimensional space.


"Vali give me a hand here.!" Issei said before raising Ascalon as Ddraig started chanting out "[BOOST BOOST BOOST BOOST BOOST BOOST BOOST BOOST BOOST BOOST, EXPLOSION]".

"You got it," Vali replied before his blue ethereal divine dividing wings flared up and readied for the attack. Rossweisse in response flew right behind the duo and cast her strongest shields in front of the two dragon emperors.

It was then that magical attack from Loki rained down upon them making Albion call out "(HALF DIMENSION)". Waves of absorbers left

the wings and started working on the upcoming magical waves however the effect was minimal thanks to the colossal amount of magic that Loki had released.

Issei on the other using the extra juice from His boost spun Ascalon in the shape of a circle before calling out " SHIELD OF TRIUMPH" A goldish red shield was then erected in front of the whole group that was being supplemented by Rossweisses shields. However even their combined efforts fell short as the attack soon broke through and hit the whole group resulting in a very large explosion.

When the smoke cleared Issei was seen standing in front of the others his sword in hand. His balance breaker was full of cracks and fell apart leaving him in his base form. The upper part of his kimono was now in complete tatters and was torn leaving one of his shoulders bare. Behind him were team Vali, the Gremory peerage and the Sitri peerage. All of them were mildly injured with nothing serious or life-threatening as Issei and Vali had succeeded in weeding out the brunt of the attack.

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