Chapter 11: Invasion: Part 1

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It had been several days since the date and life seemed to have fell into a steady step. Something Issei couldn't be more happy about. His days usually went about school, homework with his hime, training with his hime after which was another sessions of random time spending with his hime.

Both of them had grown closer apart and now Invigld herself occasionally initiated the physical aspect of their relationship. However she still retained a rather shy exterior something that made Issei love her even more than normal.

However today was not a normal day. Inviglds mother had recently found some respite with her duties for the alliance and had used the time given to spend it with her daughter, which is why Invigld was currently with her mother while Issei was training alone.

Currently he was practising using Benihime and his balance breaker at the same time. Along with practicing a few spells that Benihime had been teaching him. The spells belonged to a lost magical art called kido and was divided into two main categories. The ways of destruction Hado and the ways of binding Bakudo.

With a roar Issei sent an arc of energy into the wall completely destroying it after which he released his balance breaker form and sent Benihime back to her base mode before kneeling on the ground.

"(That was several minutes longer than the last time. Lets keep up your new fighting style is coming along nicely and by the time it will be complete it will be among the most fearsome ones out there.)" Ddraig proudly said.

"You should be proud of your advancements master. Combining your own power based style, with kenshins close range technical style and Uraharas midrange magical one together is a near impossible task but I know if theres anyone who can do it its you." Benihime said through her mental link.

"Thanks you to. I think that is enough for the day." Issei mentally thought. He was bought out of his musings when the sound of clapping reached his ears. Turning around he saw Sirzechs standing there with an amused expression on his face.

"Ah Sirzechs sama how may I serve you?" Issei said as he offered Sirzechs a wobbly bow.

"Non of that now Ise kun. I am here in the capacity of an older brother rather than the leader of an entire race." Sirzechs jovially replied with a wave of his hand.

"So how can I help you Ni sama." Issei asked with a grin as he straightened up.

"I just wanted to get away from the office for a while. It has been quite hectic recently due to the rating game tournament and the khaos brigade. The elders think that the tournament is perfectly safe and does not need any additional security." Sirzechs carefully said with a shrugg hoping that Issei would find the hints he was leaving behind.

Fortunately for him after honing his skills in the blade arts and tutoring with both Benihime and ddraig along with his transformation to a dragon Issei had become a rather intelligent person. Hence why he slowly nodded and with equal care said "Hmm that is rather careless of them, if the khaos brigade had an insider with them they could attack one of these games and cause considerable damage."

Sirzechs eyes suddenly twinkled when he saw that Issei had caught on. "I told them that but they did not listen. I am particularly afraid for tomorrows game. It is between the siblings of two of the super devils. Specifically when no one can be trusted enough."

"Well then I guess there can be no action taken. Meh ni sama I wondering if you could give me a small suggestion on a certain thought I had." Issei said with a smirk.

"Oh and what Idea did you need the suggestion about?" Sirzechs asked the twinkle in his eyes growing.

"I was thinking of going to all these games. As a good queen I need to help my king prepare for her future games. And you know what they say 'Good information is half victory.'" Issei said a wide grin now etched on his face.

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