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"How may I help you Rias and the Orc?" Issei asked as he folded his hands on his chest and blankly looked at the group. Rias was slightly unnerved when she saw the blank look on the normally expressive pervert. Shaking her head she said

"I am here to Issue a challenge." She said as she folded her arms under her chest pushing it upwards.

"And what challenge would that be?" Issei boredly asked as he leaned back on the wall.

Rias motioned Kiba and Xenovia forward and said " A swordsman battle between you and my knights. If You win you can stay in Inviglds peerage. If you lose you come back to my peerage."

"Now why would I entertain your request Rias? I am not your pawn anymore. Not to mention the fact do you really think your knights hold even a candle to my talent and skills? I faced of a god and managed to push him back twice using my blade work alone. What makes you think that your knights are even worth my time?" Issei asked as he eyed his nails boredly before looking back at the group.

Kiba wore a slightly hurt look while Xenovia did not seem to be to bothered with the statement. However before anyone could speak Kenshi reentered the room. It seemed as if he had a sword more specifically a katana in his hands.

Even though the sword looked old and slightly rusty Issei could sense an undercurrent of power emanating from with in it. Not only that there was a subtle whisper coming from the sword itself. It seemed to calling for Issei to wield it.

"[Benihime.]" Ddraig muttered inside of Isseis mind.

"You know this sword?" Issei curiously asked back.

"[Yes I do. It was the weapon that gave my second strongest host the most problems whenever she faced its wielder. He was like you a direct descendant of Kenshin but his skill in using this blade were much higher than kenshin. His name was Urahara Kisuke.]" Ddraig answered.

"Urahara Kisuke Kuh?" Issei answered before he zoned out of this conversation and paid attention to his surroundings once again.

"Thanks for the find tou san." Issei said with a smile as he took the sword from kenshi. The feeling of power grew once Issei took the sword into his own hands. It also vibrated a little as if tell that a conversation was due.

Issei turned to The occult research club members and smirked as his father walked away before saying "Fine I will entertain a spar. But it will take place in one week. I want to get used to my new sword until then."

"Very well. We shall meet in the training grounds in one week." Rias said before she turned away and led the members of the Occult research club away.

Issei then turned around and entered the kitchen before saying "Hey Kaa chan I am taking hime here to her room. She needs to see it after all."

"Alright then. It was a pleasure to meet you Invigld chan." Kanamei said as she gave Invigld a small bow.

"The pleasure was all mine. Kanamei san." Invigld said as she returned the bow after which she left with Issei and followed him to her room.

"Here we are hime. This will be your room. Mine is directly next to it. So if you ever need anything just knock. Also if you ever need to go shopping for decorations let me know I will show you the prominent stores around here." Issei told her with a smile.

"I'd like that. And Issei?" Invigld said as a small blush made its way on to her face. Her heart rate was speeding up at what she about to do and she was inwardly praying that her courage stay with her until the end.

"What is it hime?" Issei asked as he turned to her with his eyebrow raised. He didn't have to wait for an answer as two warm and soft lips touched his own. The kiss was small, and chaste but carried a lot of weight to it. "Thanks for everything." Invigld said as she was looking away a blush fixed on her face.

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