Chapter 6: Loki Arc: The Battle: Part 1

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"So here is the plan, all of you will attack loki and hold him off until molnjr is delievered. After that Issei will use it to seal up loki. Remember it needs to be Issei otherwise the power output wont be enough for the sealing to be complete." Azazel said to The gremory peerage, Sitri peerage and team vali along with rossweisse.

Along with Azazel, Sirzechs, grayfia and invigld were seeing the large group of. It was then sirzechs and grayfia stepped forward and said "Here is a box of pheonix tears, we werent able to get one for every one since they are scarce but these should hopefully get you through till the end."

Grayfia then proceeded to hand Rias a box of pheonix tears which made both her and Sona nod thankfully while Issei and vali looked on boredly. Before Sirzechs could teleport them to Lokis general location Invigld stepped up to Issei and shyly said "Take care."

Issei smiled back before holding her hands and softly stroking them. He then said " Dont worry hime, I will back by your side before you know it." He then proceeded to kiss her on the forehead before touching his forehead with hers. They broke away a few moments later after which Invigld stepped back.

Both Issei and Sirzechs noted the looks of anger and jealousy emanting from the female members of the gremory peerage, while Vali just looked at the whole situation with amusement dancing in his eyes. Sirzechs then proceeded to teleport the group right at lokis location.

Once they arrived their Rias turned to furiously look at Issei as if demanding an explanation. Issei completely ignored her before moving to stand with Vali as the duo glanced towards the fluctuating green magical pyramid where loki was temporarily sealed.

"So this is it huh? Im guessing the two of us will take care of the god of mischief while the rest of the group can deal with his children. They can be frightening in there own right." Issei lightly commented.

"Agreed." Vali said with a nod.

"I shall be facing lord Loki with you. As a representative of the norse faction it is my duty." Rossweisse sternly cut in.

"Well 3 is better than 2. Specifically if we're about to face a god." Issei said with an easy shrugg.

"That is true, specifically when all 3 of us can pull our own weight. It shall be interesting." Vali said.

Rias and her peerage watched the scene with no little amount of surprise. The 3 in front of them were talking as if they had been friends for years. However before she could question it the magic around the pyramid collapsed and loki floated outside with the custom sneer plastered on his face.

"I should Have expected Beezelbub to do something underhanded. He is a demon lord after all." Loki muttered to himself before he spotted the group and said

"So despite possessing large amounts of power themselves the maous sit back like cowards and send out kids to their bidding. How shameful."

"I dont really think you should be talking about shame loki dono, after all you are the one throwing in the temper tantrum because his daddy didnt do what he wanted." Issei said with a smirk.

The remark seemed to anger loki but he soon recovered himself and said " No matter, I shall kill all of you right here right now and shall then plant the seeds for a true ragnorak."

"Loki sama please stop this madness, I am sure Odin sama will forgive you if surrender right now." Rossweisse pleaded and tried to reason with loki.

"Don't get me wrong, I am not doing this for me, I am here cleaning up my fathers mess. Him allying with lower species is an insult to our great faction." Loki replied.

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