Chapter 10: Filler Date

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Issei was excited. Ok that was an understatement, excitement alone was not enough to describe the way he was feeling right now. His emotions were currently entangled in what was an internal warfare.

Elation, excitement, happiness, love danced around with worry, hesitation, sadness and fear, creating a rather impressive yet bewildering myriad of emotions. He felt the first half because of the hope he felt for his relationship with Invigld while the second and traitorous part was due to the many betrayals he had suffered in his previous relationships.

His emotional warfare finally reached the point where ddraig decided to cut in and say "[Alright enough is enough, everything will be fine, just relax and go with the flow.]"

"But what if everything happens again and I end up in an even bigger mess?" Issei asked back.

"[Because the situation is different and most importantly you yourself are different.]" Ddraig calmly replied knowing that his host wasnt likely to have any logical thoughts at this moment.

"Huh? What do you mean ddraig?" Issei asked confusedly.

"[What I meant to say was 1) You are not the weak human you were the first time around and are now an individual who faced a god and lived to tell the tale. 2) You arent being influenced by your perverted hormones like last time and are actually following your instincts. These facts alone should calm you down. You don't need to worry though even If something goes wrong you'll be able to come out on top. You are my partner after all.]" Ddraig said with a little boasting.

"The old lizard is right master, the purple haired girl does not have any untoward intentions towards you. If she did I wouldve felt it." Benihime supplemented.

"Thanks you guys I think I should get ready then." Issei said feeling much more confident as he stood up and made way to his closet.

(Meanwhile with Invigld)

"Oh my maou I have a date with Issei. A date, but I have never been on a date before. What if I screw it up.? He has always been so nice to me. What do I do?" Invigld chanted in her mind almost having a panic attack.

Suddenly she felt a light bulb light up in her head and ran towards her cabinet before she pulled out an enchanted mirror. "Connect me to Mom."

The surface of the mirror soon became cloudy until the face of a red eyed purple haired older version of Invigld appeared on the other side. "Invigld dear is that you?"

"Yeah mom its me. I know we havent talked much due to our new roles and all but I really need a little advice from you." She all but pleaded to her mother who looked at her for a few moments before a smile lit up on her face as she asked.

"So whose the lucky guy?"

"W-w-what do you mean?" Invigld stuttered out as she felt her cheeks heaten up.

"Tut tut young lady. I can see it all in your eyes. Who is the young man who has ensnared my little Inviglds heart.?" Elena Leviathan nee Goldstone said with a small smile on her face.

She wasnt going to dissuade her daughter from going on this date but she would be having words with the said boy. After all she had to make sure it wasnt a horn dog who was just looking to use her little Invigld.

"He's the red dragon emperor and my new queen piece." Invigld answered as she felt her cheeks start to redden.

"Ho and how did you meet him and when did he become your queen? As far as I know he was the pawn of the gremory family.?" Elena asked curiously with a raised eyebrow.

"Well you see..." Invigld said as she launched into an explanation on how she had met Issei. Telling her about her formal introduction into the society, getting a less than warm welcome. Issei asking her for a dance making the others turn their lustful gazes away from her. Then protecting her when loki attacked, him kissing her on the forehead and promising her to come back. How Sirzechs transferred him into her peerage, how he introduced her to his parents before asking her on a date.

"He seems to be a nice and well mannered boy." Elena said after a few moments of silence.

"He is." Invigld said in a simple voice.

"Very well then let me get you ready..." Elena said as she helped Invigld browse through several dresses as she prepared herself for the date.

(Several hours later)

Issei nervously stood infront of Inviglds bedroom as he contemplated on how to proceed. He was dressed in a black shirt and a blue jeans and was adorning a brown jacket on top of it all.

Taking in a deep breath and ignoring his tenants sniggers he knocked on her door and waited. A few moments later the door was open and Issei suddenly found himself lost for breath. There standing infront of him in a silver kimono was Invigld. Her long purple hair were made into an elegant bun that was held together by a small red ribbon. There was also a slight trace of make up on her face that overall exuded her beauty.

He was bought out of his stupor when Invigld shyly spoke and said "So um how do I look?"

"Hime you look beautiful breathtakingly so. I was momentarily lost for words." Issei softly said as he wrapped one of his arms around her waist and pulled her closer into him.

Invigld flushed at his words and the sudden closeness they now shared. After a few minutes of silently staring at Each other Issei removed his hand from her waist before he grabbed one of her hands and said "Well let us get going I hope you like what I have planned for us."

Saying that the duo left the house and first made way to the local cinema. Once inside he led her towards the counter and let her choose the movie she wanted to watch. He was surprised when she had chosen the latest inundation of Godzilla, that had come in the form of The king of monsters.

He however non the less was happy with her choice since he was a massive fan of the series and was even more pleased to find that she to was keen follower of said series. The movie lasted for a couple of hours after which Issei led her to a restaurant where they enjoyed a rather simple lunch with various food items that Invigld had never seen before given her western upbringing. She had only wore the kimono on the suggestion of her mother who argued that Issei would have liked it due to his Japanese upbringing.

And liked it he did. The whole of the lunch was spent with Issei softly smiling at Invigld as she tried the various foodsteps. The childlike innocence and wonder on her face made her even more beautiful and he found it hard to look away from her. If anything his belief and his partners reassurances were shining even brighter at her sight.

He was bought out of musings when Invigld said "Issei is something wrong? You have been dazing of for a while now and we need to leave."

Coughing a little to hide his embarrassment Issei nodded before standing up and leaving. By then it was already evening and They were now ready for the final part of the date which happened to be a festival.

Issei grabbed Inviglds hand and led her around the festival playing several games and winning certain awards. He even showed her some of the small rituals that couples performed to ensure the safety of their relationships.

The whole event continued until it was midnight when Issei led her to the highest point on the festival ground. One that would give them the best view of the fireworks that were due to appear in a few minutes. By then Invigld was tired and was letting Issei lead her around.

When they stopped she turned to Issei and said "Thank you for today Issei, I loved it."

"Anything for you my hime. Thank you for coming with me." He replied as he wrapped both of his arms around her slender waist and pulled her closer to him. He then leaned down and captured her lips just as the fireworks went off. The kiss was a soft one that convey his feelings for her.

He was positively surprised to find her asleep when he broke the kiss. Shaking his head in a fond amusement he lifted her up in a princess carry before carrying her back home. He could have just teleported back home but for some reason he wanted to take the longer route back. Looking down at Inviglds sleeping form he knew that she was all the reason he needed to walk back instead of teleporting.

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