Ch. 10 (PG-13): Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

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“Lost & Found” (Revised), Ch.  10 (PG-13): Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder, November 09, 2014 Gratiana Lovelace

(An original fiction copyrighted by Gratiana Lovelace;  all rights reserved)
[(1) top right, story logo] 

[I will illustrate my story using my dream cast of --Richard Armitage for Matthew Drake, Kate Beckinsale for Jocelyn Burrows, Brenda Blethyn for Aunt Madge, Michael Crawford for Michael Ferguson, Gina McKee for Marcia Glass, James Frain for Vicar Nelson Marshall, and others.] 

Author’s Mature Content Note:  “Lost & Found” is story with mature themes (D for drama and S for sensuality) of love and relationships.  Most chapters will be PG or PG-13. However, if you are unable or unwilling to attend a movie with the ratings I provide, then please do not read that chapter.  This is my disclaimer.

Recap from the previous installment:  Sunday afternoon and evening, Matthew and Jocie reconnect in a meaningful way--as tender hearts, sharing sweet kisses and embraces before saying farewell that evening--getting to know each other more and creating new memories for each of them.  The coming week holds much promise for these two heartfelt yet to be lovers, Matthew and Jocie. They are quickly moving forward toward a romantic relationship with each other.  And neither heaven, nor Earth, will thwart them.

“Lost & Found” (Revised), Ch.  10 (PG-13): Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder 

Jocie has successfully avoided Matthew for almost two days since their romantic parting Sunday evening.  She still feels that some distancing is warranted--to cool them both off after Sunday night’s passionate kissing.  That is not to say that her thoughts are in league with her person--because her heart and mind run rampant with desire for the tall kind strong man she has come to know, Matthew Drake.  Matthew is everything Jocie has ever wanted in a man and in a romantic partner. He is kind, he is loving, and he is strong--and yet, he so tender and solicitous of her wants and feelings.  He is not pressuring her into more of a relationship with him than she is ready for, or that he is ready for--and that utterly beguiles and charms her. 

Monday had been easy enough for Jocie to somewhat distract herself away from day dreaming about Matthew all the time.  She had her work visa appointment at the U.S. Consulate in London in the morning--it was the site of the lovely Tea Party reception that she and Matthew attended on Sunday afternoon, even if she was the only lady not wearing a hat.  And in agreeing to help her with her work visa paperwork, the consular staff also suggested several contacts she might make application to for university or college academic advising positions.  She had followed through and visited those contacts Monday afternoon--leaving resumѐs with several colleges and universities within London. 

Jocelyn feels a promising response to her request for work as an academic advisor will be forthcoming, given the cordial receptions she receives at each office and that her experience and credentials are solid.  The staff there are probably so accustomed to faceless applications arriving in the mail, that the personal touch of Jocie dropping off her application letter and resumѐ at each office, charms them.   If they call her back for an interview this week or next week, Jocie  feels certain that she will be able to convince them of her suitability to assist their students in navigating their goals to attend an American university for a study abroad experience.

However Tuesday August 17th is another matter entirely.  Restless and on edge after his morning shift at the postal center, Matthew paces the floor of his aunt’s flower shop around 11:00am. That is until he can not hold his concerns  in any longer and he unburdens himself to her in a quiet moment when no customers are present.

"Lost & Found" (Revised for Wattpad), by Gratiana Lovelace, (2014)  (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now