"Lost & Found" (Revised), an original story by Gratiana Lovelace, 2014

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Trying to navigate in a new city can be daunting.  That task is compounded when the city is London, England.  For Jocelyn Eileen Burrows—or Jocie (pronounced “Jah-see”) as her friends and family call her--traveling out of town, let alone out of state, let alone out of country, let alone to a new continent opens up a brave new world for her.  Though Jocie is only 30 years old—her life not yet half begun—she feels that her life is missing something, and Jocelyn is in search of it.  It is the Fall of 2010, Friday, August 13th to be exact.  Though Jocie is not superstitious, she does believe in fate.  Jocie is embarking on a new beginning.  And though she does not know it yet, she will end up helping the new friends she meets do the same.  And for one man, Matthew Drake, Jocie will become his savior.

Author's Note:

I began writing this love story about Matthew and Jocelyn in Summer 2010 and first serialized it on my blog Something About Love in Fall 2011.  The story is a tale about deep loss and finding your way again after that loss.  And for many of us, it is only through love and tenderness that we are able to live again after loss and find a purpose and meaning to our lives--more than merely going through the motions of daily living.  So, though this love story has some sad and poignant moments, it is ultimately hopeful and joyful.  “What once was lost, can now be found” --to paraphrase the hymn “Amazing Grace”--as we are made whole again through love. 

Cheers!   Gratiana Lovelace

P. S. (Oct. 24, 2014)  I added (Revised) to my story title to reflect that I am rewriting and enhancing some sections from the earlier version of my story.  So although the general plot and most chapter sections remain very similar, I am adding some new dialogue and expanding certain sections that I felt needed more development--such as they were exposition before and now they are a dialogue scene.  Also, my rewriting might separate into separate posts some chapters that had previously been bundled together--because they are longer now with the rewriting.

"Lost & Found" (Revised for Wattpad), by Gratiana Lovelace, (2014)  (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now