Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


The two started to talk as I listened closely, this might be important…

“The general wants to see you today.” The one on the left says.

“That's it? Nothing more?” I ask very confused. Usually when two big burly men come to me it’s usually about a mission…

“He left it with that. He will see you today in 30 minutes at the warehouse.” The right one says.

“Great” I sigh.

“Goodbye Agent Brooks” Both of them say and leave before I get to say anymore.

Once they left I head back to my office where Charles is sitting in my office chair making small talk with her.

“Um Jo-Anne, I have to leave. I’ll be right back.” Charles looks at me with wide eyes.

“Okay, I’ll see you later.” She says

“Where are you going?” Charles asks me.

“No where important” I say blatantly as I remember the dream.

“Do you want me to come with you?” He asks again.

“No.” I say sharply. “I mean, sorry but no, you can stay here though… when I get back we can do whatever” I feel bad for saying it in that tone but I need to leave now.


Charles’ P.O.V


I see Ana leave before I get to even say goodbye. What is up with her? and where was she going?

“Don’t worry she leaves all the time, she’ll be back” Jo-Anne says and smiles at me reassuringly.

“But where does she go?” I ask her curious.

“I don’t know. Those two men always come in. or I get weird calls for her and she leaves right after them… I just go along with it. I wouldn’t question her about it either. She gets a bit pissy with people asking her.” I just sat there nodding.

As 15 minutes go by I try calling Ana but no answer, so I leave her a voice mail. I feel like I’m over doing this. This is what a boyfriend would do. Call her and make sures shes okay, make sure wherever she went that she got there safely. Do I think of her in that way? I mean I love her… I can’t stop thinking about her. The way she talks, and just seeing her makes me feel butterflies in my stomach. It sounds ridiculous, I’ve barely known her for maybe a few weeks but it feels like I’ve known her for years and I want her to be mine. My mind goes racing when I think of the possibilities of having her as mine. Kissing her whenever I want, hugging her from behind, watching her flush as I make compliments. I get pulled from my thoughts when someone walks through the door. My eyes dart away from the wall and a smile immediately spreads on my face.

“Lost in your thoughts?” She smiles, oh that smile I’ve learned to love.

“Yea.” I laugh.

“What have you been doing while I was gone?” She asks while walking over to her desk.

“Thinking about stuff” I said.

“Mind turning on my monitor?” She asks and I nod and I quickly turn it on. “Thinking about what?” She asks and she pushes the chair I’m sitting in over to the side and she pulls up another chair next to me.

“Oh, Nothing of interest” I lie.

“Oh, come on it’s probably interesting. Tell me” She giggles.

“Nah, It’s nothing.” I say again.

“Tell me, or I’ll make you tell me” She says and points a finger a me. I laugh a bit.

“Fine… Um. How do I say this.”

“Spit it out already!!” She yells playfully.

“I don’t know” I say again, I want to tell her but I don’t know how.

“Charles. Really it can’t be that bad. Unless you were thinking of me” I look at her with a smug expression.

“Oh. You were thinking about... “ She coughs and shifts uncomfortably. “me”

“Sorry! Does that make you uncomfortable?” I say getting up.

“No. It’s ju-just... “ Her eyes look to her desk, avoiding eye contact with me.

“I’m just gonna leave. I thinks that's better for both of us. “ Before she could say anything I left while grabbing Marley. When I step outside of her office I mentally slap myself.

“Leaving so soon?” Jo-Anne smiles. I decided to ignore her and leave quietly.



I know it might seem really stupid to have like Ana in like an agency and very childish but I've been planning to intoduce some drama in this. Sorry. But I was also thinking of making a seperate story later on about Ana's story on how she became an agent and how she got involved with Youtube... I feel like that would be cool!! Comment if I shoud do it! Thanks for reading!!

*and don't forget to 



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