Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Charles' P.O.V

I'm by Ana twitching, her arm shakes a bit and I shake her lightly, she wakes up.

"Ana, wake up" I lightly shake her again and her eyes dart open and she sits up quickly.Her breathing quickens and she races to the bathroom. I try to run after her but the bathroom door is quickly shut in my face.

I hear the water turn on and then nothing else.

"Ana? Are you alright?" No answer. "I'm coming in" I say and open the door slightly to see Ana resting her hands on the counter, her face is dripping wet and she's staring at herself in the mirror.

"Charles, I can't do this any more..." There is no expression on her face when she says it. She just shuts her eyes.

"Do what?" I say. She stands up straight and turns around.

"This. Us. Whatever is happening between us needs to stop. My past relationships never worked out and I don't think this one will." Her eyes get glossy and she is about to cry, but shes holding it in.

"I don't get it." I say.

"Charles, you don't know me... I'm not totally honest with you" She says. I don't know what she means. Has she been lying to me?

" What haven't you told me?" Worry fills my voice and I know what's coming.

"Thats the thing. I can't tell you... and we can't be together."

Ana's P.O.V

I didn't sleep at all... and I had time to think. A lot to think about was me and Charles. I don't think we should be together, I'm a complicated woman and I'm messed up in the head.

"Ana, I understand, but why?" He says, he's pushing me, I need to leave.

"I will be leaving in the morning" I say and walk past him. I see the clock on the wall and it say 3:07 am.

"Okay, I'll sleep on the couch." He says.

"No, you can have the bed. I'll take the couch" I say and sit on the couch.

"No, sleep on the bed. You've had a rough week..." He says and sadness fill his voice.

"Thank you Charles. Good night" I say and shut the bedroom door behind me and walk to the bed. Once I'm under the covers I fall asleep.

I'm cold when I wake up and I see the blankets are on the floor. I smell food being cooked and it smells amazing. I then heard a slight knock at the door and I don't say anything but I see Charles open the door.

He pokes his head in, "Ana?" He asks. Marley comes in after and jumps onto the bed.

Charles slightly laughs. "My moms here... She's making breakfast, do you want anything?" He asks me and leans on the door frame and shoves his hands in to his pockets. I shake my head to deny his offer. I need to call my mom.

"Okay, Come out if you change your mind, Okay?" He says with a slight smile and I mouth the word 'okay'.

When he leaves I grab my phone off the nightstand and dial my moms number.

"Hey Ana, How are you?" Her voice sounds the same as always

"I'm okay... But I need you to come pick me up and drop me off at my house..." I say and she sighs.

"What happened, why can't Charles take you?" She asks as I get off the bed and walk to the windows and look outside, Charles is throwing a ball in the pool as Marley jumps in after it.

"Me and Charles aren't getting along" I lie. It hurts to say that we aren't getting along even though we were having so much fun yesterday...

"Oh, Okay. I'll be there in a little bit okay?" She says and I nod even though she can't see me...

"Okay. Good Bye" and I hang up. I'm still looking out of the window and Charles sees me and waves for me to come outside... It's sunny and really warm when I open the patio door, the long pants I was wearing was making me sweat a bit but once I was in the shade I was okay.

"My mom's coming to pick me up..." I say and Charles nods.

"When am I going to see you again?" He asks.

"I don't know I just need some time..." I say, He laughs lightly.

"What's so funny?" I look at confused.

"Ana, I can't stay away from you..." He says and stands up so he looks down on me.

"You're going to have to learn how to because I'm leaving the state" I cower away from his strong gaze.

"What do you mean you're leaving?" He asks but I say nothing.

"Ana." He grabs my arms with slight pressure.

"I'm leaving. You don't need to know where." I saw and release from his grip and go back into the house, my mom should be here any minute now.

"Ana! Don't walk away from me! I don't want you to leave!" He chases after me. His mom sits in the kitchen eating what she just made. I hear honking coming from outside and I know thats my mom. I jog outside to get away from Charles and I hear his foot steps behind me. But he's too late I'm already out the door getting into my moms car and she drives off once I shut the door. I don't know where I'm going but I know its going to be far from this place. Once I get home I'm gone...

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