31. Lost Princess

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Y/N opened her eyes wide, sweating. Her chest heaves up and down. Her sight adjusted for a second, revealing the four girls staring at her with their faces wearing a concerned expression.

They all breathed out a sigh of relief, slumping their shoulders down as they closed their eyes.

Jennie spoke up at last, "We thought you're not going to wake up!" Her voice cracks, she was in the line of breaking into tears. Lisa patted the girl's shoulders, she turns her head to Y/N, "We're glad you're safe." She softly said.

Y/N forms a small smile, she turns her head to the two other girls, Chaeyoung and Jisoo. She noticed Chaeyoung has been staring at her for a while, deep into her eyes. 

Y/N felt a little flustered. Chaeyoung's eyes glimmers, "Did you dreamt of something strange?" She asks the flustered girl. Y/N hesitated for a second before she nods sheepishly in response. 

Chaeyoung shuffles close to the bed, getting on one knee on the bed beneath the white comforters. She asks, "What did you see?" Her eyes wide open, waiting.

Y/N looks around for materials to write on, she found a tissue beside the bed. She began to write words. Chaeyoung watches.

She rose the tissue, "I was with Sakura and Wooyoung." Chaeyoung slowly nods as she uses her hand for a gesture to continue, doing circular motions mid-air.

Y/N turns the tissue around, "And said I was the lost princess.." The four girls gasped with surprise. Since when? Since when did she become a lost princess?  

"Jisoo, do you know about this?" Jennie asked her, turning her head back to the mentioned girl.

Jisoo places her finger onto her chin, looking at her. "I've actually heard this one before," All of the girls gasped, except for Y/N.

Lisa widened her eyes with a grin painted on her face, "Really? Can you tell us!" She shakes Jisoo back and forth.

"I couldn't tell you if you stop shaking me!" Jisoo scolded Lisa, the latter let out a fainted apologize.

Jisoo turns her head towards Y/N, "My father once told there was a secret princess in the kingdom of K."

"Judging by the letter K, some people said it's a kingdom of Kims, Kyungs, Kwons, Kwan and Kangs."

"But they really don't know what's the meaning of that letter K. They just kept on assuming things empty-headed."

"Everybody was watching out for the secret princess in the public. They wanted to see her face to face, like an obsession."

"One day, the king and queen decided to let the secret princess to.." Jisoo paused, realizing it finally.

"To erase her memory.." Jisoo places her palm onto her mouth, she puts her palm beside her hip afterwards.

"Due to going crazy and destroying everything almost leading them to war to her own daughter." Jisoo's shoulders slumped down, as if she's exhausted telling the story from her father.

She looked down at her shoes, "So they sent her to a academy and made her time there," She finished it off with a fake smile.

Jisoo rose her head, revealing the three girls had their hand covering their mouths, Y/N was sitting on the bed with her brows straighten up forward, dumbfounded.

Jennie's ears perked up, "But why does her memory got erased again?" She asked worriedly, Jisoo turns her head to the latter, "I don't know.." Her fist clemches.

"All I know that the secret princess is right in front of us. Right now." The four girls took a glance at the mentioned girl.

"Don't know that the secret princess would be this hot, man." Lisa chuckled as Jennie slapped her head down and scold her afterwards.

"Jesus, I thought you two are together?" Rosé asked the beagle couple, "We are." They both said at the same time, harmonizing.

"Doesn't look like it." Rosé shoots back, "You're so mean." Jisoo places her hand on Rosé shoulder to tell her to snap out of it. "Sorry, I just really wanted to see Lisa's reaction afterall." They laughed.

While laughing, a bunch of footsteps from the hallway can be easily heard.

The door was broken down by..

"WHERE THE FUCK IS Y/N!" She yelled out of anger, her hair was a mess and her face was scrunched up.


All of them actually have weapons in their hands..

Most of them are from the kitchen..

Jihyo paused and looked at Nayeon with a grimace expression, "Ew, you have a basment?" She asks disgustingly.

"What's wrong having a basement!"

"Well shit, basements are creepy as fuck and you don't even know if Annabelle is living under your house."

"I bet Satan itself lives there." Jeongyeon butts in.

"I hope Satan destroys your house, Nayeon."

"Why are all of you kept on bullying me!"

The other members pinched their nose bridge seeing their motherly members acting like this.

Meanwhile, BlackPink is watching them holding their laughs. Lisa was already crying and Y/N was grinning widely.

Jihyo and Nayeon kept on bashing on eachother, as if it's a rap war.


I love watching these two fight." Lisa whispers to Jennie. The latter rolls her eyes and smiles ear to ear.

𝗠𝗨𝗧𝗘𝗗; twice x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now