18. Oculis Caeruleis

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henlo, it looks like i don't take this book way too seriously, i put too much ridiculous jokes that isn't really funny at all. sorry! :)

remember to smile often and drink a lots of water!!!

super short and boring chapter up ahead !!


      The four girls, Chaeyoung, Dahyun, Tzuyu and Y/N head for their respective classroom, marching down on the hallway full of students in the color scheme of colour maroon and black in their uniforms, blazers for girls and a vest along with long sleeves for boys..

Meanwhile, Tzuyu, Chaeyoung and Dahyun was looking down at the hallway's floor because of how the students looked at them in disgust, others were lost for words seeing Y/N walking with the three girls. They were called losers but they're walking with their top tier student as if they're good friends for a long time.

Y/N slightly squinted her eyes and her brows wrinkled, the muted girl found herself in front of their classroom. Rising up her palm revealing a smudged written in ink, 'B-103'. It was her classroom's.

The three girls went inside the classroom in front of Y/N, the four of them were actually classmates. She shrugs and stepped inside with her sling bag across her chest to her hip. Y/N doesn't seem to know where is her seat is, Tzuyu knew it already why she's just standing still.

"Ms. Kang, I'll lead you to your seat." She came over with a beaming delightful smile, the latter nods in response. Y/N's seat was just beside the window seeing the view of the academy's big garden from outside and the blue sky like from an anime.

"I'll get going now.." Tzuyu bowed politely and head back for Dahyun and Chaeyoung who are chatting as they sat on the edge of the desk. Y/N rests her chin on her palm as she gazed at the view, utterly mesmerized.

Not until someone called her name loud as a thunder. "Y/N!!" Jennie shouted so does the three girls behind her, their arms lifted on the air. Y/N reacted quickly and turned her head where the voice is coming from, Jennie sprinted to her and gave her a bear hug as her giggles like a child. "I missed you!" She said.

Y/N chuckled in response and broke the warming hug, "Y/N, come and join us after lunch, m'kay? Just reminding it to ya!" Jennie pinched the latter's nose and walked off with three girls behind her, before she walked out of Y/N's room, she blew a kissed to the muted girl.

The latter didn't respond due to the fact she doesn't what that does mean, she just stare at her and watching her marching for her respective classroom out of her sight. She sighed and went back mesmerizing the view beside her..


Many minutes had passed of waiting for their advisor, Mr. Hwang barged in with twelve girls!? Dang that's bunch of girls, all of them were looking like goddesses.

The students began to whisper getting louder and louder causing Mr. Hwang to shout and told them to keep down. He talked in a low voice to introduce themselves.

Y/N didn't listen to them and will probably got bored in the middle of their introduction because of how many they are. After they finished their introduction, she decided to look at them just for a spilt second at least, she laid her eyes to a girl who have such cute ears and a cute nose— I'm pretty sure her whole face is cute.

I wonder what's her name.. Y/N's thoughts echoed inside her mind, she noticed something, the color of her eyes.

It's color Blue..

Y/N gulped so loud and clear, she can feel her lips quivering as she silently cracks her knuckles. She isn't really sure about this blue eyed girl but she's already anxious and heated. The blue eyed girl looked at her in the eyes, her reaction was exactly the same as Y/N.

The two of them somehow felt a connection between them, it feels so weird. Y/N remembered the latin word, Oculis caeruleis. It kept on ringing inside her head, she inhaled and exhaled slowly as she began to calm down and stay on her seat.

Y/N noticed herself picking her skin from her lips, she's really really anxious and curious about the girl. She heard Mr. Hwang telling the twelve girls to sit, she glance down at beside her, there was no chair beside. The students got chairs beside them but she doesn't have any, I wonder why..

Or maybe it's because the principal himself doesn't want anyone to seat beside her, what a strict guy. Mr. Hwang clapped two times to get everyone's attention and start the class.


It's lunch time, Y/N recalled Jennie's words an hour ago earlier in the morning. The girl kept slipping inside her mind, she really wanted to ask what's her name but she's too shy. As soon as she stepped outside the classroom, Jennie jumped into her to give her a bear hug.

Y/N hugged back and smiles as they both hear bunch of footsteps getting more closer and closer to them, revealing three girls flashing a cheerful smile, Lisa, Jisoo and Rosè. After Jennie broke the bear hug, the three hugged her next in a blink of an eye. The muted girl laughs of the sudden hug the girls gave her.

"Y/N!! We missed you so much!! Carry me to the canteen!" Lisa sprinted behind Y/N and jumped to her back, wanting to piggyback ride her. The latter rolls her eyes while grinning and put her arms behind Lisa's legs as she head for the cafeteria while she carry a girl behind her back.

The three other girls shook their head seeing their two beagles of the group acting like kids.

After the five girls ate their lunch, Y/N decided to breath in some fresh air from the rooftop. She head for the stairs where the place she's going for, while she was walking by herself, someone was stealthily following her as she lower her head making sure she's cannot be seen in Y/N's sight.

She kept following and following her until Y/N arrived at the rooftop's door and stepped in. She can feel the breeze blowing through her hair and her whole face, Y/N looks around to find a bench to sit. She founds one and came over and sat down, looking up to the blue sky makes her calm and everything around her disappears.

Not until the rooftop's door opened loud, the blue eyed girl earlier inside the classroom. She flinched seeing her as if she doesn't secretly follow her, yeah that's right she followed her.

"Ah! I'm sorry! I should go no—" She was cut off by Y/N by getting a grip onto her wrist, begging her to stay. "Uhm, okay.." She let her hand loose back from the door beside her hip. Y/N beamed and head for the bench earlier, still holding the girl's wrist.

Both of them sat down quietly as they both looked each other at their eyes, smiling so sweet. "Hi, what's your name?" The girl asked as her rose her hand telling her to shake hands. Y/N didn't have any paper inside her pocket only her golden ball pen was inside, she decided to write it on her palm inside.

She wrote her own name and showed her palm, "Y/N? Kang Y/N." She repeated

"What a lovely name, my name's Miyawaki Sakura, nice to meet you!" She said as she shakes Y/N's hand and smiling in full delight.

𝗠𝗨𝗧𝗘𝗗; twice x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now