Chapter 16

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This is my first time writing after like an eon ?? So some information may be wrong and this may be the worst chapter that your brain has ever processed but hey I updated !! :)

Recap - It's the day Harry and jade are going to the club for "fun" but jade suspects it's for business.
Harry gave diamond rings to Jade as a gift and she thought he stole them when he actually raised up his own money for them.
Jade found a "dead" body in a room which is actually just Pierces old girlfriend and she isn't dead.

When Friday finally came along, I awoke to an empty bed with no Harry and a dress laying flat on top of the dressers. It was a short tight black dress with lace covering the top chest area. On top of the dress lied the diamond earring's Harry bought and which I still felt like a female dick over. I opened it and admired them for what felt like the tenth time in the past two days. A guy has never given me a gift more expensive than lingerie from Victoria Secret or a expansive dinner at some big restaurant.

"Like it? I figured it was your taste," He walked out of the bathroom in the door. I jumped not even noticing the bathroom light was on,"If you call looking like a slut my taste then yes." I smiled.

Harry crossed his arms and lent against the door frame, chuckling,"You think I didn't do my research darling? I know everything about you. Moved here from America to go to college, you go out partying every weekend with Evelyn. Get knocked up," He lifted himself off the door frame and walked a couple steps in front of me. His height gave him a huge empowering look as he hovered over me. He grabbed my chin in his hand making me look up at him,"Fucking whatever boy comes waltzing your way."

I gritted my teeth and forcefully turned my head away from him,"Oh yeah? Like you wont fucking like that. You're just waiting for me too break and get in your pants right? You think I'm just some party slut? Ha, well at least I don't have to kill everyone that I fuck." I responded marching towards the bathroom, and shoving him by the shoulder while.

I hadn't noticed how late I had slept till until I realized the clock read 1. Normally that wouldn't be late for me. I'd go to bed at 5 or 6 am and wake up at 3 or 4 pm most days but since I came here my life has became more in order..?

No, no it hasn't. It became worse and I have to get out. Walking into the kitchen, I picked up a box of cookies until a pleasant aroma filled my nose. I turned to the countor the source of the smell.

Harry was standing over the counter with a pan on the stove cooking. Wait cooking?

"What the hell? Styles you cook?"
"Surprised?" He chuckled.

"That's the understatement of the year. Is it any good?" I asked propping myself up on the table.

"Try it for yourself," he said gesturing a piece of bacon stuck on a fork to me.

I laughed,"You think I'm gonna eat food you made. That's funny I'd rather starve to death."

That didn't seem like the answer he wanted. Hastily, he dropped the pan back onto the stovetop. "Suit yourself. Don't eat until the party tonight."

"About that," I stood up with a cookie still in my mouth. "I know you're not just taking me out. There's another reason why you're taking me."

"Well," he turned around to face me. Crossing his arms,"You'll just have to wait and find out."

If Harry thought that I forgot about the dead body than he was stupider than I thought. I wanted answers. And good ones.

Currently I stood naked, looking at my light olive colored body in the mirror. What was going to happen tonight? Would I get drunk? Screw someone? More importantly what was Harry gonna do? And even more importantly why was I overthinking so much?

This is a chance to let go. Have fun. Take it and don't fuck it up.

I nodded to myself as if my subconscious was my reflection.

Go big or go home right?

After applying pounds of make up, squeezing into an insanely tight - and short - dress, putting on five inch long heels which I'd surely die in - I was ready.

I didn't let Harry come into the bathroom and luckily he obliged. And now the only thing stopping me from finally having a night out was a pair of stupid diamond earrings.

"COME ON!" Harry banged at the door harshly. "I'm not going to wait for you all night."

"Shut up. Give me a minute," I said biting my lip and looking down at the earrings. It would give him satisfaction if I wore them and I didn't want to give him that. That way he'd know I feel bad about what happened. But I did feel bad. That was the most Harry gave about his past too me but it wasn't my job to respect it or to care for it

But they are pretty...
Don't do it
It wouldn't hurt to just try them on?

Before I let my mind take me anywhere else I grabbed the earrings and put them on.


I wasn't no Megan Fox or Miranda Kerr but the earrings but I didn't look half bad.

Fuck it.

"Will you fuck-"

Abruptly I opened the door to find a hovering Harry only an inch away from me. To stop me from completely bumping into him, his hands held onto my arms. He heels luckily gave me height but that meant I was close to his face. Closer to his lips.

"Um-" he began. His eyes hovered to my own, to the earrings, and then to to lips.... And then to my cleavage.

"Okay Styles. Enjoyed the view? Can we leave now," I said pulling away from him.

"Uh yeah yeah let's go." He wore a simple suit and tie but his hair had grown a bit longer or maybe it was just me finally noticing but whatever it was he looked good.

Okay that was odd. But it's Harry. More than half of the things he does is odd.

"You know how the drill goes," he held up a blindfold and smiled. "Turn around."

"Uh I can put it on myself," I said attempting to grab it.

"I don't think so," he responded in his low, raspy, nearly intoxicating voice.

Jesus Jade, hormones kicking in?

Roughly Harry grabbed my wrists, turned me around, and wrapped the blindfold around my eyes.

The last thing I saw before I was on my way for a hell of a night was Harry's smirking reflection looking directly at me.

I know I'm sorry. I promise the best chapter will be better. But hey I'm writing again! I know I haven't been updating a lot but thank you too everyone who's still reading!

Please try and be more active and like and comment.  I know every writer on here asks that but it helps me write more and write faster. Thank you!


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