Chapter 15

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Evan was mentioned earlier in the chapters, he's Evelyns and Jade's other best friend :))


I've never seen a dead body before. Or almost dead body? I wasn't sure because I ran out quickly. Now I still stand hiding away from any window or door view, waiting for Harry to come back. I don't know what I was gonna do but I knew something had to be done.

After what felt like an hour but was actually fifteen minutes, the sound of a knock jolted me up in surprise. Shakily I stood up against the wall, my back sliding against it.

"Jade?" Harry's muffled and blurred voice called from outside. I shut my eyes and took a deep breath. After no response from me, he took out his key and unlocked the door, opening it. "Jade?" He said again this time a little louder and with more curiosity.

"Don't move," I said. I quickly pointed the sharp piece of... well whatever that plate was made out of towards him.

Harry ignored my order and turned towards me. I wasn't really surprised when a smirk formed on his face,"I knew you'd find a way too try and get me."

"Remove all of your weapons," I demanded, knowing he carried some on him. Harry didn't respond only crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. "NOW!" I screamed. I don't really know what I could do with a shard of a plate especially not against Harry, even him unarmed but all I wanted was answers.

Harry slowly reached into his pocket and I was actually surprised when he dropped it on the floor. He did that as well with a smaller gun from his boot. "Kick them over to me," I said. He did so. In a swift moment, I picked on up and slipped the shard into my pocket, now pointing the gun at him.

"You know that I can easily take you?" Harry chuckled.

"Can you defeat a loaded weapon?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Darling," He leaned closer too me his strong appalling scent waving over me and clearing showing now signs of fear. "It's not loaded."

Of course it wasn't. Why the hell would he hand me a loaded weapon? Unless he was just saying that so I wouldn't try and shoot. Moving the gun towards the left of his head, I pulled on the trigger, jumping and screaming when it shot through the door. Harry covered his ears with his hands and ducked down in a defense motion.

"Fuck," He mumbled, staring back up at me, half shocked and half angry.

"Who is she?" I asked.

Harry rolled his eyes and positioned himself back up,"Who is who?"

"THE GIRL! I yelled, wanting answers now. "The girl in the room."

Harry's expression quickly turned into curiousness too fury. "You went into the room!" He screamed, taking a threatening step forward. I stepped back quickly and aimed the gun too his heart - if there was even one in there.

"Okay, okay," Harry said raising his hands up and stepping back.

"Why does it look like I know her? Is she dead?" I asked.

"It would be easier too answer your questions if that gun wasn't pointed at me," His defined and plunk lips pursed together and his head tilted sideways. Clearly this was more amusing then scary to him.

"Well now you know how I felt," I mumbled, not bothering too explain when he tilted his head in confusion. "Answer my questions."

"She's... She's Pierces soul mate," he surprisingly answered.

What? She was supposed too be dead. But Pierce never specifically told me that she was. Did Harry kidnap her? But didn't pierce kill her?

"Emily?" He nodded.

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