Chapter 4

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The four boys and Evelyn were all seated around the couch, munching on pizza. My heart fell a bit seeing my bestfriend being surrounded by this group of boys. I didn't like it, I wish she didn't have to be in danger.

I wish it could've just been me.

I looked at all of them, finally seeing everyone all together. My gaze fell on the pizza box laying on top of the table. Should I just walk over a grab a slice? I was incredibly hungry.

"Join us," smiled Zayn a sweet and mellow smile. I nodded, and walked over to the box.

I felt awkward. Everyone was watching me as I picked up a slice and sat on the empty two seater couch. I mean, how was I supposed to act around the four guys who kidnapped me. One of them was my best friends soulmate, but that doesn't mean I would be all buddy buddy with him. Then there was Zayn. Right now, you could say I enjoyed his company the best. I haven't gotten to know much about Liam, or Niall expect that he has a big mouth.

To be completely honest I felt a bit self conscious. Not just because they were a group of highly attractive people all sitting together in one room and staring at me. I was just so uncomfortable around them, or anyone who wasn't my close friend. And honestly I wouldn't want these guys to be my 'close friends.'

"You guys are acting if you've never seen someone eat pizza?" I scowled looking up at everyone.

"Was that you and Harry?" Niall suddenly said, breaking the tension.

Every ones heads now turned to him. Louis rolled his eyes, Zayn just shook his head and Evelyn bit her lip, I didn't catch anyone elses reactions.

"Yes." I simply stated. But then I added,"That's not a surprise to you though, is it?"

"Well..." Niall began, "Harry has a type of nature that is... aggressive. But we just-"

"We just thought he would be different with you," Zayn finished his thoughts.

I just shrugged and took another bite of my pizza,"Well I guess you just thought wrong."

Silence filled the room for a moment. The type of silence were everyone was thinking the same thing, and debating wether they should speak up or not. It confused me why these boys expected Harry to be different just because he found his soulmate. There were various news reports saying he was in search of him soulmate, killing just to find her. I hope those were lies, but something inside of me told me they weren't. I always felt bad for whoever would be his soulmate, but I never expected it to be me but nor was I going to spend time feeling sorry for myself.

I grew angrier by the moment, its like these boys were hopeful for me to 'change' Harry or something. Yes like that would ever happen.

Finally Zayn spoke up,"So let's talk?"

I smirked, happy to at least get too say something,"About what?"

He just shrugged, but his eyes were trailing over my body and stopped at the spot on top or my neck. "You have a tattoo?" he asked.

"You know it's illegal to have a tattoo that's not your mark."

"Well no shit, I wanted it so I got it."

It was small, always hidden beneath my hair. It was just a small lightning bolt, no significant meaning.

"What does it mean?" asked Louis.

"It means I wanted a tattoo so I fucking got one," I sneered.

"Damn," Louis rolled his eyes. "I was just asking, no need to be so fucking physco."

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