Chapter 10

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"We're here."

"Yeah, the enormous mansion and blinding lights kind of gave it away."

 "Now listen," Harry said, dragging my attention towards him. 

"I won't until you un-handcuff me," I stubbornly replied. 

He shuffled around for a minute in the front seat, pulled something out of his pocket and jumped over the seat towards me. Harry lent down next to me and brought the key to my handcuffs. I had to shift for him to access the cuffs so now half of my back was facing him. 

"I don't think you know whats Pierces party really means," stated Harry. 

Well surely I didn't expect it to be like a normal party some rich goer would throw. 

"People can die," Harry coolly responded to my silence. "But don't worry he won't kill you - I won't let him." 

"That's very reassuring thank you. I feel so protected and loved now."

Harry grumbled at my poor response to his defensive and caring words, but I could take care of myself- right? Well if that were the case you would not be in this situation, right? Harry made his way to the front of the car once again and opened the door. He was dressed in a black tux, which suited him at least but it also made him look a bit more intimidating. His hair fell neatly to his sides and his posture was broad and tall. 

It seemed misplaced on him almost, but in a way attractive as well. His sharp eyes gleamed with a deceiving glint as he said,"Coming love?" and held out a hand for me once the door was open and he was standing outside waiting for me. I stood up and had to bend down  to my heels which gave me inches of height and the small space in the car. I ignored the offer of his hand and stepped down from the car. 

We both made our way up the large flight of stairs. How the hell did this happen anyways? I end up from a party, to a cage, house, serial killers layer or whatever you want to call it, and now at another party?

Great thinking, Jade. Really. 

As we approached the large doors, the four guards standing in front of the house checked us for weapons and I was surprised when Harry was clean. That can't possible be true. It's Harry, I'm sure he found a way to sneak in something. 

After they finished checking us, we both walked in in silence. I was immediately greeted with loud chatter and even more shimmering lights. What is it with these freaking lights? There were tables set across the large room, which people were happily eating and talking by. Farther down was a bar, serving beers and wines to drunken men and women. 

It all seemed to elegant for a gang leader, definitely not what I was excepting until I saw the dress. 

"C'mon," Harry commanded and grabbed my hand leading me towards the back of the room. Once we found an empty table we took a seat. 

"Are the other guys and Evelyn coming?" I asked, shifting in my seat and tugging down at the dress. 

"No," Harry simply stated. A man holding a silver platter with glasses of wine approached us. Harry shoo'ed him away but I smiled and grabbed a wine. 

"You should be more careful Jade," Harry's voice was once again heard as I placed the cold glass up to my lips. 

"That wines been drugged."

I instantly jerked my head back at placed the wine down. And just as Harry said, I noticed a powdery white substance in the midst of the drink. 

"Oh," I said. My god, I really am an idiot. Harry's right. I do need to be more careful. There's a reason why Pierce invited me here. Surely it wasn't just because he grew a liking towards me, something was up. And Harry being rather vague and distant about all of this was only making my suspicion grow. 

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