Chapter 11

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"You can't do that!" I objected and furrowed my eyebrows. I heard and felt a deep sigh coming from Harry, wine still lingering off his breath. Who the hell drink's wine from a flask anyway?

"I can love, and I did," He grinned.

"Stop calling me love," I say and cross my arms. "It's cliche and outdated - now let me leave."

"You can leave, once I have a chat with you," He said. He turned towards Harry before saying. "Alone."

"No, that's not going to happen." Harry chuckled, now including himself in the conversation. He was quick to stand in front of me and face Pierce,"You and I both know that that is not going to happen."

"But it will," and again with a wave of his hand acting as if he was Jesus or something his two guards grabbed Harry by the arms. I didn't even realize they had moved, but now they were standing behind him with each grasping onto one of his arms.

Harry immediately began to kick, shove, and punch but it was helpless they were too strong against him. He looked so weak and small compared to the large figures behind him and thats saying a lot, that being how built Harry was.

"Fine but then you'll let us go," I stated. I didn't turn to see Harry's reaction - I knew he would be furious anyways.

I only got a simply nod from Pierce.

"'Let us go' my ass! He's lying!" I heard Harry scream through gritted teeth.

He probably was but I did want to hear what he had to say. So against my better judgement I let out a simple sigh and began walking, he took this as a yes and Pierce began leading me out of the room. I got more looks from people, most uneasy and curious.

The walk was long - his house was long as well as big.

The walls were lined with decorations, you couldn't even see the actual wall portion of his house because it was covered. There were a bunch of pictures most were blury and old but one caught my eyes. I stopped in my tracks and looked up at the picture, wanting to walk up and look at it. It was Pierce but much younger and another girl, both standing on bare sandy land. She had blonde hair that was blowing in the wind and had an arm slung around his shoulder. Pierces face was snuggled into her own neck.

I heard him come to a halt but I didn't stop staring at the picture. Seeing a man such as Pierce who was always so stern and serious laughing was very odd, even if it was just in a picture.

"Was this her?" I asked know looking at him.

"Yea," He came next to me now - a bit too close to me. "That's my beautiful Emily."

"Was," I corrected him. I didn't move my eyes away from the picture but I knew his eyes were boring into my own. "Was your beautiful Emily."

"You know Jade I did-"

"What I had to do, I know. But really? I don't think killing her was what you had to do- but more of what you wanted to do. Probably for your own sick reasons."

I knew I was pushing it, but that's all I'm really good at. Going past my limits in the worst case scenarios and Harry had seen the worst of it. But Pierce was different. Pierce had actual motive to hurt me, it was not like I was his soulmate.

"Jade," he warned. "I didn't want to kill her-"

"Then why did you do it?" I said facing him. Why did I care so much? Because that could be you.

I heard him sigh,"Your're really pushing it," he said. "I wanted to protect her Jade but I could not- she was too weak, naive, and vulnerable."

My face twisted in disgust at his words. How could anyone say that about their soulmate?

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