Chapter 5

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I didn't even realize I was screaming until Harry came rushing out of the bathroom. My body shot upwards and I almost yelled again at the pain down my back and sides.


I could feel the sweat traveling all across my hot body. I know knew that I was alive, I was here but that didn't help my heart to stop beating like crazy or my head to stop spinning.

"Oh my god," I whispered to myself as my sweaty fingertips came in contact with my forehead. My throat was completely dry and my ears felt popped. I squeezed my eyes shut and replayed the events of that - dream or nightmare. Whatever it was. Harry. Lamp. Frozen. Air. Harry. Darkness. Harry. Darkness.

I ignored Harry's body on the bed and his words which he was screaming at me.

Calm down. Calm down. Calm down. Calm down.

I shot my head back up which increased the pain down my neck. I coughed slightly and wiped my hands on my dress-

Dress? I wasn't wearing the familiar black fabric anymore but soft grey sweats and a tight black shirt that hugged my skin.

"You changed my clothes?" Was the first words I managed out. Harry jerked his head back, probably surprised those were my first words out of my mouth after that panic attack or whatever it was.

"Um... No Evelyn did. Before they left last night."

Oh, thank god. I sighed of relief and then began pushing myself out of bed.

"Wait," He demanded and his hands got ahold of my own. I groaned, not in the mood to do this. That wasn't just a dream. I've never physically felt things... or emotions in my dreams. This was far more than a  dream, everything to real, everything to clear.

He was beginning to say something along the lines of 'What the hell happened?' or 'Are you stoned?' but whatever he was going to stay he stopped and instead stated,"There's clothes for you in the bathroom."

"Oh, okay," I gulped. My eyes met his hand over mine and my heart skipped. His touch, and the touch in the dream was so, different. He felt soft and gentle, in my dream his touch meant something a lot more than just soft to me. I felt something towards him, Lust? I shook that thought away as I muttered a small 'thanks' and began walking towards the bathroom.

"Wow," I uttered after shutting the door. I'd expect stained green walls, and a rusty toilet and sink but the whole bathroom was actually nice.

I walked over to the large mirror and laughed and looked up at myself. "Oh my god, I look  Satan." I groaned out loud as I thought of what I needed to do. A shower would defiantly help my situation. Oh god. I looked over at the shower and then back at the door. That's great, just shower in the same shower which a serial killer has been naked in oh and not to mention he's an (unlockable) door away from you!

My shoulders slumped as I walked over to a small white rack with towels and grabbed a blue one - either way I'm still taking a shower.

I stripped my clothes away and stepped into the shower. Only about five minutes later I was out. I now looked at the mirror and my face was much clearer than before and my hair actually looked decent . Why do I still care about my appearance when I'm being held kidnapped?

I wrapped a towel around me and searched the bathroom for my clothes. "Are you serious?" I said once I spotted them.  I rolled my eyes while observing the material. A short black crop top and skinny black jeans. Defiantly something I'd wear on a normal basis but not in front of those guys. Where the hell did he get these anyways. Did he think I was his doll or something and we could just play dress up?

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