Chapter 12

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Gonna start updating regularly again. I'm sorry for such a long wait! it's summer so I kind of spend most of my time watching supernatural and sleeping :))


"Fuck.." I slowly fluttered my eyes and shift from my uncomfortable position but am stopped when I feel something burning into my wrists.

"Fuck!" I scream and jerk back, my eyes now wide. I furrow my eyebrows when I see that both my hands are cuffed onto a wall. But the cuffs which are normally a glowing silver are now a fiery red. When I softly pull at the cuffs again I feel the same feeling run onto the skin of my wrists.

Shooting my gaze upwards I take in my appearance. It's not a surprise that I'm not longer at Pierce's house but in fact..

"Are you fucking kidding me!" I scream slamming my luckily free feet on the ground and thrusting my body. "He threw me back in this cage." I say slamming my back against the wall.

I sigh loudly in defeat. There's no way I can ever escape this cage, this house, Harry.

Stuff like this never happened to me - well until now. Not saying most girls get kidnapped by their soulmate who are serial killers, but my life was always normal. Me and my friends always tried to make the best out of things and lead on a fun life. My parents never agreed with my life style, they were so professional and serious. I honestly questioned how we were even related.

Why am I even thinking about my parents? I shouldn't even waste my time thinking about people who don't care for me.

Looking beyond the metal bars of the cage, I saw nothing but darkness. 

I stayed in the same uncomfortable position on the floor for what felt like about nearly an hour, until the door creaked open.

My eyes widened as an angry Harry made his way towards me. I quickly backed up angaist the wall. I held my feet up in defense. "Come closer and I'll kick you."

"You look hot all chained up," he said and bent down next too me. 

"You look hot never," I rolled my eyes and let him un-cuff me. "You're an idiot. Obviously I was only saying those words so Pierce would trust me and I'd break out when I got the chance."

"With or without me."

"Without," I snapped.

"You can be mad. It's not in my place too care." He said and turned around and began walking out. It took me a minute until I realized that I should follow.

At least Harry realized what I was doing - took him long enough.

We excited the stupid cage and walked out into the living room I guess you would call it.

"Oh my god Jade!"

"Evelyn," I breathed out and ran too hug her. "Are you okay?" I whispered in her ear and I didn't even get a nod.

"Why are you here? I mean I want you too be thank god," I said and earned a glare from Harry who was walking in with the rest of the boys.

"Oh great," I sighed. What's worse than one serial killer? Five.

Zayn walked in last and I gathered up the courage to smile at him even with Harry eyeing me.

They all took a seat on the couches and me and Evelyn did the same.

"No hi Jade? Didn't Harry teach you better manners than that?" Snickered Louis.

"You can't teach what you haven't learned," I said now staring directly at him.

"Ohh burn," he laughed at Harry earning a shut up from him.

I looked over at Zayn to find out that he was doing the same. His face looked a bit tensed and worried.

"How was Pierce's party?" Zayn asked now to Harry.

"His m-" Harry began but I cut in.

"Oh I can answer that for you. Well see Pierce wanted to have a little talk with me, right? Which of course Harry objected with so his men held him back. And when I talked too him I found out that apperantly Pierce killed his soulmate and now wanted me as his little fill in," there faces all twisted in confusion. "And he wanted me too Australia with him. So I decided to play along and run when I got the chance. So I told him how much I hated Harry and would love to go with him. And of course what's new, Harry escaped, overheard, and knocked me out cold and threw me in that cage."

"Well shit you'd be a great spy," Said Liam.

"That's not what you were supposed to get out of that," I face palmed.

The boys all looked at Harry but he said nothing.

"Okay so... if he wants Jade that could be a problem." Zayn said.

"Why?" Harry said defensively.

"Because she's you're soulmate..."

"Yeah. Yeah, oh I know,"he said taking a seat next to Niall.

"Wait... we could use this on our advantage," spoke up Niall now. Oh shit. "I mean if he wants Evelyn and we want him gone..."

"Wait you're gonna try and kill Pierce?" I asked. His men compared to Harry which were only this four boys and I'm guessing some other back up wouldn't stand a chance.

"No darling, you are."

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