Chapter 14

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"You kill it," I demanded.

"You kill it!"

"For gods sake! you've killed humans before!"

"That's a lot different from spiders," Harry spat back. We both rolled our eyes and crossed arms looking down at the tarantula that somehow escaped from the pits of hell too underneath Harry's bed.

"Just kill it please?" I begged. "I even used my manners."

"No," Harry bluntly said. Oh come on. I needed to sleep and there was no way in hell I was gonna do that with a demonic creature lurking in this room.

"For gods sake just get me the lamp then," I demanded.

"Get it yourself."


He cautiously walked over too the lamp standing on the table and tossed it too me. This is unreal. A gang leader is scared of a spider? I caught the lamp with an oof and aimed it towards the floor. "Come out from under there you little sucker." I screamed as the unearthly creature came out from under the bed and threw the lamp at it. slowly I made my way over and kicked the lamp aside but what I saw wasn't a dead spider nor a living one but a dead Harry. "What the fuck?" I said baffled, my eyes wide to what I saw before me. Harry lay just where the spider should've been with a lamp over his chest and a gun shoot wound in his chest, blood oozing out. His body was lifeless and his eyes were shadowed with a curtain of black. A shrilling sensation raked up my spine as my hands and feet when numb, and my body cold. But suddenly with a blink off an eye instead of a dead Harry sprawled across the floor was a squashedspider.

"Jade? Jade?" I heard a frantic voice.

I turned towards the left too see Harry standing, shooting me a concerned look. I looked back at the floor and at him. "God, I'm going insane." I shook my head and ran my hands through my tangly hair.

"What happened?" he asked, concern lacing his voice and walking in front off me. When I didn't answer but stared at the same spot he grabbed my arms with his hands, holding onto my wrists tightly and pulling them away from me. I gasped and looked up at him. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I insisted. "I just thought I saw something when I really didn't."

"Jade, you have too-," suddenly his voice was frantic. But it didn't sound like it was coming out of his mouth, but above me?

"Okay, but I swear something's happening too you."

"What?" a second ago he was about too say that I have to do something. "I have too what?"

"What are you talking about?" Harry asked.

"You just said 'Jade you have to' and didn't finish," I took a step back and he let go off my arms.

"No I didn't..." Harry seemed even more confused then me. "Forget it," I said.

"Jade is there-"

"Forget it!" I said louder. I was so fucking confused and I don't know what just happened. First I hallucinated Harry with a gun shot straight in his chest and then I clearly heard him say something he didn't.

Something is defiantly happening too me. Maybe I'm drugged, going insane, or just freaking out. Maybe the reality of living with a sociopath was hitting me. Whatever it is I hope it stops, because what I just saw was terrifying.


"I'll be gone for two hours," he said. "Don't open the door or don't try too fucking escape."

"Okay," I mumbled. My mind was still on what happened earlier. I .

"I'm fucking serious. I have cameras," he responded, his gaze tightly  focused on me when he didn't hear a sarcastic comment back.

"What? In what rooms?" I said suddenly crossing my arms.

"All," he grinned and and sent me a sly smirk. Harry opened the door and shut it with a loud bang. I watched quietly through a window as he got in his car and pulled out. I let go of a breath I didn't even know I was holding once his car was out of view. With a sigh I turned around and walked into the deserted living room taking a seat.

I slumped into the seat and shut my eyes. Part of me actually wanted too like Harry. He did say he would change. But it's not like I believed him. I mean how could someone like Harry actually change?

You act like he's so bad, when your just like him yourself.

No I am not. I have certainly not killed anyone before.

No you haven't but both of you are destructive and stubborn. Maybe you hate him so much because you are just like him. You two are darkness.

Aren't self concision's supposed to help you and stuff? I sighed and got up again. This place was so excruciating boring, but not like I should have high expectations considering the circumstances. I sauntered around trying find something to do but there was nothing. He didn't even own any books. But then again when would someone like Harry have time too read. My legs took me upstairs into the deserted to halls. There were still a lot of rooms undiscovered but all of them have locks. I walked down one of the hallways dragging my hand against the wall until I abruptly stopped. I stood in front of the door that I saw not only a few days ago. My hand greedily reached for the door knob and I tried to swing it open but of course it was locked.

I have to find out what's behind there.

"Okay, he must have a spare key," I thought aloud. Most people kept spare keys in their bedrooms or kitchens, but Harry was sneaky so of course he would hide it somewhere more secretive and excluded.

Unless he knew I would think that and look at all the hidden, deeper spots so he hid it out in the open. Sometimes the best places too hide things are in the most obvious places.

Wow, I watch way too many movies. Biting my lip, I slung my tangly brown hair into a pony tail and walked into the bedroom we shared. I rummaged through the drawers, cabinets, in the sleeves of shirts, pockets but I couldn't find any sort of key.

"Come on," I sighed and sat against the drawer. I need to find out whats in that room. I don't know why, but I have too. My eyes wandered around the room until they stopped over the bed. I quickly got up and pushed the blankets aside and flipped the heavy mattress up with a huff. A large grin appeared on m face as I found a silver shiny key. I picked it up and let the mattress fall on its own.

"Finally." Harry only carried one key around so I assumed that all the locks were identical, which only makes it easier for me. Strutting over too the door, I slipped the key into the hole. To my pleasure it turned with a slight click. Slowly this time, I opened the door. It creaked loudly causing me too stop and prepare myself for what could be beyond. "How bad could it be?" I said under my breath and swung the door open.

And then what I said before me made me wish I had never discovered this room, found the key, and had the curiosity too know what lay in here. What I saw made me drop the key and run, run as far away from the room as I can in this house.

It made me hate Harry even more and it made me grab a plate from the kitchen, smash it against the floor and take a sharp piece of the now broken plate and hide behind the door too wait for Harry to come.


I won't tell you what it is yet, but it's something that Jade had been worried about before and very defensive over. Comment what you think was in the room!

Sorry for not updating, I had my concert (WHICH WAS FREAKING AMAZING AND THE BEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE AND I WAS ON THE FLOOR AND SO CLOSE) and after that I don't know I just never really had the will or felt like writing. But I am going too Texas next week and then my school starts *cries.* So I'll try to write in advance and upload later.

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