Chapter 6

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The fact was I didn't forget about it, in fact it's all I thought about all day! What could've happened had Logan stuck around longer, I mean would things be different right now? Ugh, these constant "what if" scenarios were really distracting, I couldn't focus at all. All I could think about was his sweet smile that made him look like a completely different person, I could see his whole past in his eyes, playing over and over again, I could tell it was painful, it was something he always tried to forget, and hide. I don't blame him I try to forget my past too.

The days continued on like this, he was just running through my mind, it was horrible! Every word he had said to me, every movement he made around me, every touch; which was mostly just me running into him. I hadn't seen him in days, of course, now that I actually do like him, and think about him all the time, he doesn't show up! Wait, no I don't like him! I hated thinking about him all the time, I couldn't stand it! Ugh, he had been following me around for years and now he decides not to anymore! What is his deal? He is way too complicated, I don't understand it!

It had now been a month since I had seen him. I was working at a pizza place, didn't see him once, I went out with friends all the time, still didn't see him, the only time I ever saw him was when I was asleep. I dreamed about him, every night; I won't get into detail about what, but I couldn't stand it anymore! Today I decided to go visit my dad, I drove to the school in the Subaru that I bought for super cheap, but it ran great, and I named her Sue. I pulled into the driveway and walked inside, watching all the young students hustling to class, laughing and talking in their small groups. Quickly the hallway emptied and I made my way to my dad's office.

I softly knocked on the door and opened it. My dad was sitting in his wheelchair, looking out the window, in a his usual gray suit." He isn't here." He said distantly.

"What?" I lightly laughed, inching into his office.

"Logan isn't here," he turned around," isn't that why you're here?" He looked at me, with a stone face.

"I'm not looking for him, now let me ask you the questions." I pointed at him." Why did you send Logan after me?"

"I noticed similarities with you two, so I asked him to analyze you, and told him I would let him know when the time was right to..." He became distant again.

"What?" I looked at him and his glazed eyes." What?" I slammed my hand on the desk.

"Now is not the time to tell you, you will figure it out on your own, my darling. I will see you another day." He gently pushed me out of his office.

"But dad-" He closed the door in my face. 'what the heck?!' I thought. I sighed in irritation and left,going back home.

When I got inside, I tossed my keys on the side table by my door, and tiredly trudged to the bathroom. Since getting my job I now had a bong in the bedroom, because I liked to smoke while in bed. I had a pipe in the bathroom and a bubbler in the living room, oh along with a stache. I turned on the hot water and put the plug in the drain, allowing the tub to fill, pouring bubble bath in as well. I grabbed my pipe and sat in the hot bathtub, laying back, and lighting up.

I don't know why I was so upset about this, I barely knew Logan, I honestly don't know what I would do if I saw him again. Slap him, hug him, kiss him, I don't know? After soaking for close to 45 minutes, I put my pipe away, drained the tub, and washed up in the shower. After a while of standing in the shower lost in my thoughts, I shut off the water, and got out. I walked to my bedroom in a towel, pulled on a black lace bralette, and blue boy shorts, pulling on an oversized, gray t-shirt. I went back to my bathroom and washed my face, cleaning off my eye makeup, and patting my face dry. I honestly felt like such a boring, plain person. I turned out the lights around the house, and crawled into bed, dozing off quickly.

Thunder boomed and lightning flashed above the house, making me jolt up in bed, the Lightning made the bedroom glow, making me realize that the power was out, because my hall light wasn't on. I heard a soft knock at the front door, between thunder booms, causing chills to go down my spine as I slowly got out of bed and inched toward the door. I picked up my metal baseball bat, and opened the door to see a tall dark figure standing there, I quickly raised my bat to hit him.

"Whoa, whoa!" He said." It's me." He stepped into my house, and grabbed the bat to stop me from swinging.

"Logan?" I breathed. My power came back on, and my lamp by the door lit up the room. It was him, he stood in front of me, clothes soaked through, hair dripping, what was he doing here?

"Yeah." He said letting go of my bat, then without thinking I swung the bat at him, and hit him in the arm, knocking him across the room. I slammed the front door shut and dropped the bent bat to the floor. I looked over at him, he was sitting on the ground a little dumbfounded.

I carefully inched toward him and he clenched his fists, ready to attack if I was to try something again. I knelt down in front of him, and we just stared at each other. The tension in the air was suffocating, it remained silent, besides the storm whaling outside. I had a thousand questions to ask him, but I couldn't think straight, and my mouth wouldn't move. I felt stiff, not even my body would move so I could retreat, I was having some sort of internal warfare with myself that I'm sure at this point Logan could sense.

Logan sat up straighter, almost like he was going to try to escape this awkward moment, but instead he quickly grabbed my face and pressed his lips against mine.
I pushed him away in shock, we stared at each other for what felt like a long time. Did that just happen, it did, it did really just happen, I could still feel the sensation of his lips on mine. I started to long for more, I actually started to miss him even though he was right there. I grabbed him by the collar and returned my lips to his. Things got heated from there, that's the only word I could think of to explain it. He had me pinned against the floor, with his hands on either side of me, my legs wrapped around his back. I looked at him panting, he had scratches healing on his arms, I grabbed him by the hair and kissed him once more.

"Stop." I mumbled, as he started kissing me harder." Stop." I said again.

"Why do you keep saying that?" He looked at me panting.

"I'm trying to stop myself." I pried myself off of him. Which honestly felt painful, not feeling his hot skin against mine.

"Why?" He lightly chuckled.

"We just can't do this," I grabbed his hands," it's too right," I moaned and put his hands on either side of my face, squishing it, he leaned in, and kissed me more.

"It is too right." He said against my neck.

"No," I pushed him away," it's way too right!" I crawled away from him, toward my couch, pulling a blanket over myself.

"I don't understand what you mean." He inched toward me.

"This shouldn't be happening... Yet." I smiled. He pulled the blanket away from my face to look at me better.

"Okay," he grinned," I think it's "yet" now." He started gently kissing me.

The kisses got longer and more passionate, he wrapped his arms around me, making me melt into his strong embrace. I sank back into the soft carpet with him still stuck to me, his lips moved to my neck, making me lightly moan, then down to my shoulders and chest.

I grabbed him, shoved him onto the floor next to me, and jumped on top of him. I pinned him to the floor with my legs and pressed my lips against his one more time. I pulled back, and stood up, looking down at him, panting.

"Good night."I gave him a nod and went to my bedroom, closing the door, and quickly locking it, leaving him there on my living room floor.

(Haha! 😉)

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