Chapter 18

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Almost a month had passed and I was feeling better, stronger even. I was still having a hard time getting used to my white hair and the red streak. My dreadlocks were gone, I had had them for years and now they were just gone. The tree shaped scar on my chest was another new feature I had to get used to.

I still couldn't get Hope's words out of my head." Don't let it control you." I mean how could this control me if its part of me, I mean it's not like it has its own personality. I don't know, I don't need to worry about it.

I was going through physical therapy, because when Hope and I bonded, it like reset a few things in my body. Like walking, that sucked. So Logan would take me for walks around the facility, which I hated. I refused to let him take me to Hope's Garden on the top floor, and I refused to let him hold me up the whole time, I wasn't helpless.

I would go to the pool, to help build, relax, and soothe my muscles. Luckily swimming was something that came easy to me. Logan would stick close by, dressed in swim clothing, just in case he would have to help me. The first day I started swimming I almost drowned. I had to relearn more than one thing.

I was still in a wheel chair, but if I was feeling up to it, I would use crutches to help me walk around most the day. I was walking better then my first day that's for sure. I was in a wheel chair for most of the first week, we got a lot of pictures of me and my dad together in our chairs. I could walk unassisted for 100 steps. More then anything I couldn't wait to go back home after this.

I was sitting on the edge of the pool, legs still hanging in the water. Logan sat down next to me.

"I've missed being this close to you." Logan said bumping me with his elbow. I had been very distant since the whole bonding thing.

"I've missed you too." I said blankly, leaned against him, and he kissed the top of my head. I sat up, hopped into pool, and sank under the water and started swimming and spinning around.

Logan got in after me, dunking under the water and swimming after me. I turned around to look at him and smiled at him. I grabbed him and started kissing him, but shortly after let him go, so he could raise to the surface for air.

I swam to the surface and put my hands on his shoulders. He smiled pressing his forehead to mine. I pulled his face to mine and started kissing him again. It suddenly felt like I had a needle poking me in eye, I pulled away and put my hand to my eye.

"Are you okay?" Logan looked at me concerned, trying to examine me.

"I'm fine." I pushed his hands away and quickly got out of the pool. I grabbed a towel and rubbed my eye with it. I pulled it away and saw a smudge of blood on the towel. Chills went down my body but I just ignored the whole thing.

"Mavis?" Logan said a little demanding.

"I'm fine!" I left to our room. Logan followed closely behind me, just making me angrier. Don't let it control you.

"Mavis just tell me what happened." He grabbed my shoulder to turn me around.

"Nothing happened I'm fine!" I shoved him away," I'm not helpless anymore Logan I can take care of myself, have you forgotten I did take care of myself!" I felt my knees wobble but I stood my ground and continued walking away, farther then I ever had before.

My eyes started stinging and tears were streaming down my face. I kept wiping them away, until I couldn't handle the burning anymore. My eyes felt like they were on fire. I ran to our room and straight to the bathroom cringing in pain. I started splashing water on my eyes rubbing them in a desperate attempt to make the pain stop.

I was able to crack my eyes open enough to see nothing but red. Logan quickly rushed in." What's wrong?" I felt his body tense, I could feel him panicking.

"I don't know, my eyes feel like they are on fire, I can't open them!" I continued splashing water onto my eyes. He came closer.

"There's-" he stopped." Let's take you to the infirmary." He wet a wash cloth, put it to my eyes, picked me up, and took me to the infirmary.

"What's going on?" I heard Razor's voice.

"I don't know she said her eyes were bothering her." Logan explained briefly.

"Sit her down here." Razor guided me to a bed. She pulled the rag from my eyes, and I heard her breath catch in her throat." I need a nurse stat." She spoke professionally into her radio.       "Lay down Mavis, hold this on your eyes." She pressed a gel ice pack to my eyes, and I held it there.

The cold felt good except it didn't stop the burning. A few minutes later a nurse came in. Razor pulled the pack off my eyes and I heard the nurse gasp.

"Can you open your eyes at all?" Razor asked. I fluttered my eyelids unable to fully open them." Okay we are gonna open your eyes, don't try to resist okay?" I nodded.

The nurse pulled one of my eyes open. All I could see was red. Razor started to spray water into my eye, making the red go away bringing relief. They repeated this with the other eye. They snapped my eyes shut and the nurse returned the ice pack to my eyes.

It was quiet I figured they left. I felt around for the sink that I knew was next to my bed. I got to my feet and pulled the ice pack away from my eyes. I looked down at myself seeing drops of blood on my shirt. Panicked I quickly looked up into the mirror only to scream in fear. I shut my eyes and fell to the floor. Logan, Razor, and my dad rushed in.

"What's wrong?" Logan rushed to my side.

"Their black, their black, my eyes, their black!" Logan put me back in the bed.

"Open your eyes." I heard my dad speak softly. I opened my eyes and looked at everyone, shock on their faces. My dad gently pushed Logan out of the way and placed his hands on the sides of my head.

He struggled and pried threw my head, finally he gave up, and looked at me with a smile on his face." There that's better." I got up and looked in the mirror again to see normal eyes.

"What's going on with me?" I asked.

"Could you give us a moment alone?" My dad spoke to everyone in the room, they all left.

"What?" I sat down.

"What was the last thing Hope said to you?" He asked.

"She said that I needed to learn to control this new power or it would control me." I remembered her words like they were yesterday.

"You haven't been meditating have you?" He asked.

"No." I said a little ashamed.

"The new power you have in you, is very powerful Mavis you can't just ignore it." He stated." It's time you learn to control this power."

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