Chapter 17

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When all the craziness was going on trying to bring me back to life, I don't know if I was dreaming, or going into the light, but Everything was bright. I was standing in front of another girl she looked like me, just with white hair and a red streak. She smiled at me, with just a small smile.

She stepped toward me and lightly touched my arm. She then forcefully grabbed my arms, and pressed her lips to mine. I tried to fight her off but she was strong. She pried her tongue into my mouth, and started tearing off my clothes. I felt like I could breathe better, even though I was struggling with her.

She grabbed my chest, sending electric shocks through my body. Soon everything just became painful, and I could hear a roar of voices take over the silence. Everything on me hurt, even my fingernails, I felt like even my hair hurt. The girl was gone and I was alone in the dark. I was screaming in pain, so much pain, I couldn't move, it felt like I was being restrained.

Then the pain stopped and I was able to relax. Finally my eyes were open, just a sliver, and I could see tons of people standing around me. I saw Logan's face in the mix, my dad, Razor, even Jean. What the heck had just happened to me?

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