Chapter 3

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There was a knock on my door, more than likely Razor and Daisy, I could tell by the whispers outside the door.

"Come in!" I called out. The door opened, and they quickly scrambled into my room, closing the door.

"We got movies, we got popcorn, we got chocolate, juice boxes, and chips!" Razor yelled as she announced it all, smiling as she laid it all out on my bed. I tucked all my comics and sketch books into the bookshelf to avoid damage, things always got crazy when these two stayed the night.

"Oh, my, god." Daisy approached my bookshelf.

"What?" I furrowed my brows at her.

"You have an X-Men comic, she has an X-Men comic!" Daisy yanked the comic book from the shelf revealing it to Razor, the two of them flipping through the pages, with large smiles on their faces." Oh my god, that's Logan!" Daisy pointed to a box that had Wolverine in it, wearing a leather jacket, smoking a cigar, his signature eyebrow raised.

"Give me that!" I snatched it from them putting it back on the shelf.

"That was him!" Daisy said again.

"You have an obsession or something?" Razor smiled slyly.

"No, I've had that comic for a while, I didn't even remember I had it." I shrugged.

"Sure." They both drew out the word.

"Shut up, let's just watch this movie. What is it anyway?" I asked sitting on my bed.

"Boondock Saints, one and two." Razor smiled as she put the disc in.

"After the first one we're watching 10 Things I Hate About You." I said crossing my arms.

"Yes, Heath Ledger forever!" Razor chanted, all of us raising a hand in the air for a moment, then laughed. We watched several movies, until we realized the house was quiet.

"What time is it?" I asked I asked quietly looking to Daisy and Razor.

"Midnight." Razor smiled devilishly.

"Let's do this!" Daisy hopped up grabbing her bag, pulling out clothes and shoes, replacing them with the comfortable clothes she was wearing, we always brought extra clothes on our nights out.

"Oh my god, Mave you have to wear this please?" Razor handed me a piece of clothing that looked too small to cover anything.

"No thanks." I threw it back at her, going to my closet for my clothes.

Daisy, Razor, and I were going out for some drinks, Daisy was always able to get us into the bars, I don't know how she did it, but she did. I'm pretty sure Dad knew that we snuck out, he just chose not to interfere, over the years he had gotten to know me. I dressed in a simple grey v-neck, a black plaid button up, with my black skinny jeans, buckled my seat belt-belt, pulled on my converse, tied back a few locks, and I was ready to go. I looked at my friends who were wearing their usual tight and revealing outfits, and ridiculous heels. Razor braided the sides of her hair, letting the others curls hang loosely, she wore tight high waisted jeans, and a red plunging tank top, along with strap on heels; Daisy put loose waves in her hair, two braids tied behind her head, decorated in small flowers, she wore a navy green lace dress that was about mid-thigh length, with black heels that had straps wrapped around her legs. I don't know how they were comfortable in those clothes.

I pulled a joint from the box in my closet, and all of us took a hit before, we snuck out the window. Daisy used her ability to manipulate vines up the side of the house, and we climbed down them.

"Let's go!" Razor hissed. We ran to the front gate, I used a rock manipulating ability I had seen, and manipulated the gravel into steps to get us over the gate with little noise; the gravel falling back to the ground once we were over. The taxi was waiting outside, we quickly scrambled in, and off to the bar.

Moments later we arrived, there was literally a street with nothing but clubs and bars, our favorite place!

"Let's do this girls!" Daisy grabbed us and dragged us to the first place that was blasting music and had colourful lights shining through the windows. Daisy gently grabbed the bouncer by his collar and whispered into his ear. She stepped back biting her lip, and winking at him, he jerked his head to the side, and let us in, and so our night began!

Things got blurry quick. There were lights, drinks, music, and blurry faces. I'm pretty sure we hit every bar and club on the street. There were people playing instruments on at least every sidewalk corner, so we were constantly dancing. Finally after sitting down in a park just at the end of the street, where all the food trucks parked and everyone ate, I checked my phone.

"1:25 am" my phone shined into my face. Wow we didn't waste anytime did we?

"What do you guys wanna eat?" I smiled putting my phone back in my pocket.

"Let's go to the pita truck!" Daisy and Razor stumbled to their feet and over to the pita truck. I stayed behind standing near a small band that was playing music, I pulled out a joint and lit it up. I swayed and lightly danced to the beat, when I stumbled, and tripped, falling into somebody, somebody solid.

"Whoa," he helped me to my feet," I got ya." I looked up to see a pair of bright green eyes looking at me." Hi." He slightly smirked.

"You." I said pulling the joint out of my mouth, there was a very long pause, I knew him but I couldn't get the words to come out of my mouth.

"Logan." He spoke kindly because I had been drinking stupid juice for the last hour.

"I know, I know." I laughed stupidly and nudged his shoulder.

"What're you doing outside of the school?" He asked.

"Oh, pfft, you know!" I said smiling like a goof, totally squinty eyed, I took another puff or two," oh how rude of me, you want a puff?"

"No thanks, I'm more of a cigar guy." He pulled out a cigar and did his thing, lighting it up.

"Okay cool." I kept smiling, and dancing, puffing on my joint.

"You bitch!" Daisy hollered at me with a pita in hand," you aren't sharing." She moaned, snatched the joint from my mouth, and took a few puffs then handed it to Razor." Oh hey Logan." She leaned up against him and winked.

"Hi." He said with a raised eyebrow.

I took another puff from my joint and sat down on the concrete art. Then I'm pretty sure I fell asleep, because I don't remember what happened after that.

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