Chapter 11

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I opened my heavy eyes as a beam of sunlight hit my face, I took a moment to let my eyes focus, as I looked at the disheveled curtains that weren't quite hanging where they were supposed to, the settled feathers around the room, the tipped furniture. Wow. Logan shuffled into the room with a tray of food for two, setting it on the bed, I was starving.

"Good morning." Logan smiled," figured you'd be hungry once you woke up."

"Thank you." I smiled warmly at him, as I dug in, Logan eating too." So what're we gonna do about the room?" I looked at him, a concentrated look on his face.

"Clean up and fix what we can, offer to pay for what we can't." Logan shrugged.

"Sounds good to me," I took a bite of bacon, chewing happily," so, obviously things got crazy last night," I looked around the room again, Logan doing the same," Did we, you know, use protection?" I asked awkwardly.

"Oh yeah of course we did." Logan quickly assured me.

"Oh good." I sighed relieved." So what're we goin g to do today?" I smiled with a glimmer in my eyes.

"I don't know?" Logan shrugged, smiling happily at me." I love you, you know that right?" Those three words sending a shiver down my spine.

"Really?" I smiled hugely.

"Really I do." He nodded.

"I-I love you too." I quickly shoved the tray of food off the bed, jumping into Logan's lap, quickly smashing my lips against his.

After an eventful morning, that closely represented last night, we cleaned up the room and left to see the sights. First we checked out clothing stores, walked past many people dressed as characters, passed by casino's and bars. I swear we walked the entire city, just lost in each other's company, I felt at home and comfortable with Logan, like nothing bad could happen. Logan made me happy, and I knew I made him happy, it sounds a little full of myself, but I knew. Soon it was dark out, the even stranger people coming out, we did our best to step past them, giving them a kind smile in the process.

"So you wanna see anything else?" Logan asked as I leaned on him, letting out a big yawn.

"Yeah, my bed." I smiled tiredly at him.

"That's sounds good to me." Logan also letting out a yawn.

"Then let's go." We stepped out of sight of everyone, where I opened a portal, sending us home. I sighed happily seeing my bed, falling in to it limply." Ugh, How I missed you." I hugged my pillow against my face.

Logan pulled off my shoes for me, then placed my pj's on the bed neck to me. I pulled off my clothes, putting my pj's on, Logan and going into the bathroom to do our nightly rituals. Logan showered, I washed my face, brushed my teeth, and rolled my dreadlocks until Logan got out of the shower. I climbed into bed, while Logan got changed into his pj's, Logan climbed into bed next to me, cuddling up against my back, tightly wrapping the blankets around us, nuzzling his forehead against the back of my head. As if on cue both of sighed heavily at the same time, both completely drained, and ready to sleep.


I am so so sorry this chapter took so long to be posted, and I'm also sorry that it is so short, but I will work with haste and get the rest of the story back up! Thank you for reading once again!

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