Chapter 12

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Well to be honest I didn't know how much time had passed. Days? Weeks? Months? I wasn't sure. As often as we were all over each other it kinda tires you out and you lose track of time, my guess was at least a few months. I was cooking up some spaghetti, when Logan came up behind me and hugged me.

"Stop, your gonna make me burn myself again." I laughed lightly.

"It doesn't hurt that bad, it goes away in seconds." He kissed my neck.

"Yeah but it still hurts!" I laughed and shoved him off. A knock at the door.

"Who's that?" Logan instantly tensed up.

"I don't know I'm not expecting anyone." I inched my way toward the door, grabbing my new bat on the way.

I had so many things running through my head. Maybe it's just the mailman, maybe it's Daisy and Razor wanting some of my pot, or maybe my dad to scold me, well for not telling him about being engaged, or even that me and Logan were dating! Wait, he said he would tell Logan when it was okay..

I put my hand on the doorknob, and turned to look at Logan, just a little upset. I gripped the bat tighter with it hidden by my side, I opened the door to see Jean and my dad standing there.

"Hello dear." He smiled.

"Hi, dad." I stuttered.

"May we come in?" He asked politely.

"Yeah." I fully opened the door and they entered." What's up?" I closed the door.

"I need to speak to Logan." He raised an eyebrow.

"Uh, Okay, Logan!" I walked to the kitchen, "The professor is here." I stood in the doorway, Logan peering past me, looking at my dad.

"It's time." The professor stated, there was a long silence that followed.

"Time for what?" I finally asked.

"There's no time to explain you need to leave, now." My dad ordered. Logan ran to the bedroom and started throwing clothes into my old backpack.

"Leave where?" I asked.

"Jean go help pack." My dad commanded, she nodded and went to my bedroom." You're just leaving, you need to trust and listen to Logan dear."

"Why wouldn't I trust him?" I argued.

"Just listen to me dear, you of all people know that happiness is not forever, the happiness is on hold for now, until this passes." He explained.

"Dad, but I-" I started.

"I know about everything between you two, it's alright dear, just put everything on hold until you are safe." Jean came out of the bedroom with my backpack, and handed it to me, Logan close behind with his backpack, already in his jacket and boots. Logan handed me my converse and my dark gray hoodie, I pulled them on, and he dragged me out the door into my dad's vehicle. We were quickly on the road and headed to who knows where.

"Can you tell me what's going on now?" I looked at everybody, their faces intense.

"Someone, some thing plans on attacking us, the mutants. There is a place, a safe haven where all mutants can go. That's all you need to know." Charles quickly told me.

"But-." I whined.

"Enough." Charles said shortly, relaxing back in the seat, and closing his eyes. I sat back, crossing my arms with a huff.

"It'll be okay, trust me." Logan gently held my hand.

The vibe I was picking up from every one told me it wasn't going to be okay, at least I wasn't going to be okay...

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