The Interview

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I think wattpad deleted I'm re-uploading.....just remember this was written about a month and a half ago, and its not a full chapter....the rest will be up by next week :)

(Author's Note- OH SH*T!!!!!!!!! LWWY IS NO. 24 ON THE U.S. TOP 40!!!!! OMFG!!!!! SHOOT ME!!!!! OH MY GOD ITS NIALL!!!! HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!!! ZAYNSTER!!!!!!! LOUISSSSSS!!!! :O

Chapter Fourteen- Part One

Liam's P.O.V.

I shifted my bum, trying not to fall off the couch. Amanda smiled at me, and inched a tad bit closer to Mariah, giving me more space. I returned her smile and couldn't help but think that she wasn't all that bad; maybe we could be friends. I returned my attention to Sarah. "Well, my real name is Sierra Ashley Mendez, but I much prefer to spell it like 'Sarah.' I'm 18 as well, my birthday is on October 6th, I grew up in Manchester with my parents. I'm an only child, and yeah, I moved into the flat in Sherrington with Heaths and Lil about 3 months ago. I love reading, I like writing as well- stories, songs, poems, you name it. I love a certain curly haired member of my favourite band." She squeezed Harry's hand and continued. "I love having fun and going out with my friends, and I can be very protective of my close friends. So I guess I'm like the 'Mummy Direction' now." She turned to grin at me and I teased. 'Yeah!! Sarah and I sure have our work cut out with these 8 here!!!" gesturing at the others who playfully put on angelic faces. Raven, the hostess, moved on to Lily. She just told of her background, her birthday, which was on march 24th, she loved to play tennis, and she can be shy at times, and obviously, she loved Niall. Then it was Mariah, whose birthday was June 17th, she was 18, she lived with her mum and sister in New York, she loved art and used to dive professionally. Finally the hostess gestured to Amanda and asked, "So!!! Last but not least, the lovely lady who won for Liam. Tell us about you...." Amanda smiled confidently and flipped her hair as if she'd been doing it all her life. "Well I'm Amanda Jessica Smith, 18 years, born January 15th, from Miami, Florida, U.S.A." She sounded really professional and...flirty? I saw some of the crew and men in the audience begin to ogle her. Ew. "I lived with my parents and my little sister, Lucy. I like to sing, I can dance, and I love to party!!" she did a little fist pump at the end of her sentence. Raven smiled, obviously taking a liking to her and pressed, "Well, what I- and fans all over the world- want to know about is your relationship with Liam!" Amanda flashed a cheeky smile and winked, "We're just friends." she stated. Raven titled her chin to me, "Is that so, Liam? How can you resist this womanly charm?" I forced myself not to roll my eyes and chuckled instead. So much for being friends with her; she was such a fake. I nodded and smiled again, "Yep!! I'm still very much in love with my girlfriend of two years, Danielle Peazer. Amanda and I are just friends and I expect that it'll remain like that." I smiled politely, crushing any hopes of fans or anyone else that I'd be in a relationship with Amanda. She nodded and turned to face Louis and Heather. "So Louis. How is your relationship so far with Heather? Are you ready to love someone so easily after going through that messy situation with your ex, Eleanor?" Louis squeezed Heather's hand and beamed at her, "Yeah!! Definitely!! Heather's amazing, and she makes me happy. I love her for who she is, and despite the rumours that have going around, she is definitely not a rebound from Eleanor!!" she turned to Sarah with a smile on her face, "On the topic of rumours, you know that Harry has a reputation of being a 'manwhore'. Last week, it was said that he was seen out with model Emma Ostilly, who he was also rumoured to have had a fling with. What are your views on this?" I could see Sarah tense up but she plastered a smile on her face. "I do not agree with those rumours in any way. Harry was with me, and everyone else, for each day of last week. We were actually on a private island, away from the public eye, so that rumour is completely and utterly false. I also believe that his 'reputation' is not true in any way, and I trust that he will remain faithful to me." Well said Sarah. Raven turned to Niall and Lily and continued. "Niall, you've been single for quite a long time now. Are you ready to settle down with Lily, with honest feelings of love, or are you just with her because she won the competition?" Niall's mouth almost fell open, but he recovered quickly. "No!! I love Lily!! And if I ever had to settle down with someone for good, it would be her!!" he put his arm around her and drew her closer to him. Lily blushed and started at her shoes. Raven smiled to herself then turned to Zayn and Mariah. "We all know that you have a reputation of being a player, like Harry. Do you think that you will remain faithful to Mariah, as Sarah thinks Harry will be to her, or will you give in to the temptation of a beautiful lady?" Zayn kept his cool and calmly replied, "On contrary to belief, I really am not a player of any sort. I will remain faithful to Mariah.....she's more than just a beautifulo girl to me." I felt my face fall into a frown; honestly, this interview was going like shit!!! Raven was only asking us questions about our relationships, and getting us secretly worked up, instead of making jokes and asking fan questions or so. She nodded and placed her hand on her chin and peered at Heather, then Lily, then back to Sarah. "So girls, the world of Directioners went absolutely crazy a month ago when they realised that the three of you all came from the same residence." I swear Louis and Harry shifted uncomfortably, and Niall stared at his shoes. Heather laughed and said lightly, "I'm sure it's just an incredible coincidence. Our boys wouldn't have had anything to do with it, of that I'm sure." She squeezed Louis's hand, but he suddenly found the roof very interesting. Sarah piped up, "Well I'm not as sure as Heather," she said, winking at Harry, who stared at the chair, "but even if it was rigged, I'm still happy, though I'd be disappointed in them if they did turn out to have something to do with it." Raven perked up and sat up straighter, "What are you implying, then? That you think the boys had something to do with all three of you being selected? Is there something that you're not sharing with us?" Lily answered for her, "No!! She wasn't implying anything of the sort. Like Heather, I'm positive that it's just a coincidence, and everything that we've said is the truth. We're not hiding anything." Raven nodded mysteriously; I swear the woman was out to get us or something. She turned to Niall. "Lads? You agree with the girls? You had nothing to do with it?" Niall swallowed and smiled, "Y-yeah!! I fully agree that it was a coincidence." Harry and Louis nodded. Raven turned her eyes back towards Amanda and me. "So, Amanda, earlier on Liam said that you two are just friends. How are you coping with that situation?" I felt myself tensing up; it felt like the calm before a storm. I saw a couple other of the guys shift nervously. Amanda turned on her mega-watt smile, and I took a deep breath. Here goes. Amanda leaned forward, flashing some of her cleavage, "Actually, I'm coping just fine with it. I actually have my eyes on another boy!!" Raven leaned in closer, pressing on, "Would you like to share who this lad is?" Amanda grinned and winked, giggling flirtatiously. "Well, I can't disclose who he is, exactly. But what I can share is that he is sitting on this couch." Her eyes landed pointedly on Louis, who clenched his jaw and stared at his feet. A collective gasp came from the audience. Raven plastered on a smile to match Amanda's. "Well, I'm afraid that's all the time we have today!! Give it up for One Direction and their beautiful girls!!" The whispering audience erupted into applause, and a black curtain fell across the stage, blocking us from the audience's view. We all stood up quickly. I glared at Amanda, and saw Houis giving her a similar look. Before Raven could say anything else to tick us off, I gave her a curt nod and said, "Thank you. Come guys, we're leaving." With that I walked off the stage, back into the corridor, and to the back entrance. I didn't need to look back to make sure that the others were following; judging from the stomping of their feet and the deadly silence, they were as fuming as I was, and couldn't wait to get out of here.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2012 ⏰

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