Better get used to it........

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(Author's Note)

Hey Big Carrots!!

First of all, I want to apologise for this chapter!!! Its so long and boring, yet its just a filler!!! Moving on now.....

Lol, vas happenin'!!? So this main dedication is to SarcasmRocks (we know her as 'Lily' in this story!) for being here in her own, silly, sarcastic way. She's honestly the most amaZayn friend I could possibly ask for. So Corrise, thanks for being the one to call me when I say I'm lonely, thanks for being the one to annoy the truth out of me when I'm crying, just so I'll spill what's wrong. Thanks for listening to my endless stream of problems, for putting up with my crazy emotions and my failure attempts at poems. Thanks for just being so Corrise-like....I appreciate you -and love you. Oh and thanks for probably rolling your eyes at me in mini-speech mode, when you read this. Well, a part dedication to Rebecca....just for being, it feels weird to talk about you by your whole name. Anywhoo, you should get a nobel peace prize (along with Corrise) for listening to me singing every. single. day. (though I sound like a cat in pain) and letting me fangirl at unexpected times, and yeah, I love you. Also to Its_adoublelove just because she's so wonderful and supportive as well. Okay, I'll stop blabbing now......please please comment!! J

Love Jordan

Eat some carrots, so when you're sixty and all your friends are going blind, you'll still have the same eyesight as you did 30 years ago!!! :D mmm okay, bye now

Chapter Thirteen- Part One

Lily's P.O.V.

"BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP!!! BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP!!" went the alarm. I groaned and my eyes snapped open. Niall was slapping the table next to him, not even opening his eyes, and hitting everywhere but the 'dismiss' button. The bloody thing went on beeping, and Niall swore, still not opening his eyes. I leaned over him and smacked the 'dismiss' button with force, shutting it up. Niall's eyes snapped open and met mine, the sudden movement startling me, and causing me to fall on top of him. He grunted and I couldnt help but think that this position was similar to last night's.......As if reading my thoughts, Niall turned beet red and whispered, "Last night.....did we really-" I cut him off by blushing myself, and saying, "Um, um...yeah!!" Not wanting to meet his gaze, I rolled off of him and the bed. As I stood up and pulled my pyjamas back on, I felt him staring at me. I turned around to him and smirked. "Like what you see?" I teased. He blushed and heaved himself off the bed. "Oh, I've seen- and had- it all!!" he said cheekily, walking to the door. My mouth fell open and before I could come up with a witty remark, he called, "Gonna wake up Lou and Heather. Coming?" With that he walked out the door, leaving it open and not even waiting for my response, so that I had no choice but to follow.

* * *

"Couldnt you let us have five minutes again? We barely got sleep last many noises!!" Louis complained, while Heather burst into giggles. Niall's face mirrored my panicked expression. "N-n-noises!!? What kind of noises!!?" he asked nervously. Louis dragged himself out of bed and gave Niall a strange look. "You know.....human mating calls. They kept you up as well!!?" he laughed at his definition of the noises. Niall mouthed 'THEY!?' at me but I was as confused as he was. As if she sensed our confusion, Heather stood up and said, " Harry and Sarah were at it again." Niall and I drove out an "Ohhhhhh!" in unison. We both heaved sighs of relief as we all turned to make our way to the Sarry den.

It had taken all four of us, using all sorts of methods, to wake up Harry and Sarah. And none of us were too enthusiastic about it either, because they were just covered by their bedsheets, and it was obvious that they didn't have on any clothes. Eventually they were sitting up -and complaining as usual, so we turned to leave- but then Harry had to make a sly comment. "Sorry, Lou and Heaths for keeping you up last night....just don't spy on us would be easier for us all." he smirked. Louis and Heather blushed and their mouths fell open at almost exactly the same time. Sadly, Harold wasnt finished and his next attack was for me and Ni. He snaked his arm around Sarah and stared directly at us. "Aww....look at Nily!! So cute and innocent!! Yeah, right! I KNOW our noises didn't keep you two up last had your own noises to keep you wide awake!!" he winked at us. Niall went redder than a tomato, and I was sure I wasnt any better. "H-h-how did you kn-know!!?" Niall stammered out. Harry chuckled and said slyly, "Well.... the love bites, the red marks on Lil's arms....your hair....just to name a few!" I found myself staring at the ground; what was Harry, a specialist in noticing signs of we-had-sex-last-night-ism!!? Niall saw my face and grabbed my hand, pulling me towards the door. "We're gonna, um,.get ready!" Ni said, looking thankful to be leaving. Sarah waved her fingers cheekily and Harry continued to smirk. Lou and Heather followed after us, mumbling something about getting ready too. As Niall pulled me out the door, and we scrambled back to our room, I couldnt help but overhear Harry jeering, "Well, Houis....looks like you're the only ones who won't just get some!!" Silence fell, and I heard two sets of footsteps nearing us in the corridor. I gasped and exchanged a glance with Niall, and we practically sprinted into our bedroom. We really didn't want to see poor Heather and Louis's faces right now.

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