Forgetting something?

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(Author's Note) 

Okie!!! I know I haven't rlly updated since world war II, so soo soo sorry. I know I usually give shout outs and dedications and stuff, but it's been supah hard for me to even write this chapter. You see, I'm in England, and I only come online once a day, for like 20 mins, on my cousin's iPad, and since we wanna visit all the cool places and stuff, I'm quite busy. I know this sounds lame, but every night I think of ideas for future,chapters while I'm asleep!! So it's not as if I'm just being lazy! Lol. Anyway, SHOUTOUTS to all those who deserve them (you know yourselves) and all those who've stuck with me through thick and thin. Thank you so much and may the love of 1D be ever with you!!! (teeheeeheeee) this is dedicated to my sister, my best friend, my Hazza Bear, and The fist commenter on chapter six. ( softballermini5, SarcasmRocks, sharnet008, and Haleema58) in that order. 

<3 Jordan 

Chapter Seven- Part One 

Niall's P.O.V.

The other guys were loading the stuff into the boat, and had sent me to go retrieve Lou and Chef. I laughed out loud at the nickname as I made my way outside. She really is quite a funny person, she seems to understand me well. Louis really should treat her nicely. Maybe this relationship would work out for him, he hasn't been lucky in the past. It felt good to see them as they were. The two of them were embracing, Heather looking as if she had been crying. Louis looking quite fierce but nervous. Ok then. I cleared my throat and they both jumped apart. Hopefully the awkwardness between them was gone for good now. "Sorry to break, whatever this is, up, but we have to get on the boat if we want to get there by morning!!" I said, grinning at them. Louis' facial expression turned to one like a kid would have in a candy store. "WE'RE GOING ON A BOAT!!!!!!!!!!!!" he shouted, then ran off in the direction of the jetty. Heather wiped the last of her tears and laughed. Maybe I should keep my questions to myself. As she took off after Louis, screaming and laughing in the same manner, I couldn't help but wonder if they were kindergarteners in the bodies of adults.

* * * 

Mr. Taylor waved at us as the little boat began to float away, the engine chugging loudly. The girls and Louis waved excitedly and shouted their thanks. Harry was at the front, sitting and muttering something like he felt as if he was forgetting something important. For some reason, Louis is starting to look very worried. Oh well, that's his problem! Woaah there!! That sounded nothing like me......maybe it's lack of sleep. Or lack of food. I turned to go down into the little cabin and get myself something to eat. The space was really cramped, with a bunk bed, and a sleeping bag on the floor. I was not taking the floor, so I had better make it known that the top bunk bed was mine and Lily's. I clambered up the ladder and settled down with my sandwich. A little nap can't hurt anyone. The sound of water lapping against the sides of the boat lulled me into a deep sleep. 

* * * 

"Ow!" I groaned as I bolted upright as the sound of people shouting dragged me out of dreamland and made me smash my head. Oh leprechauns, can't a boy get some sleep these days!? I rubbed my head on the spot where I had banged it against the roof, and dragged myself to the floor. As I walked out onto the deck, i got a shock. Louis, with what looked like tears in his eyes, and Harry, who looked remorseful, were facing each other, shouting their heads off. I'd never seen them this mad at each other. Sarah stood behind Harry, scowling, with her arms crossed, and Heather behind Louis, rubbing circles on his back. My poor Lily stood in the corner, not saying anything and looking worried. As she caught sight of me, she ran over to my side. I put my arm protectively around her. What in the world was going on?!

* * * 

Chapter Seven- Part Two 

Heather's P.O.V.

Thank our lucky charms Niall had woken up. I had never seen or heard of Harry and Louis having a go at each other, and this terribly. Poor Lil, she hated arguments and had run to Niall as soon as he came up. Sarah was looking pissed and was standing behind Harry, her body language quite challenging. Best friend or not, I am not the type to be intimidated, so I took up a similar stance, and stood my ground behind Louis. The boys were having this terrible squabble over the results of their carelessness. A little while after Niall had gone down, we all settled down to play a game of truth or dare. It was the usual, fun immature, noisy, and time comsuming. Eventually the engine had begun to sputter and make curious noises. We all scrambled to the back of the boat to see what was wrong. Upon getting to the engine, we saw it was out of fuel. We all turned to Harry and demanded where was the extra fuel tht he was supposed to have brought. That was when the trouble started.

Harry began looking very nervous and started to swear quietly. Sarah forced him to tell us the problem. He was so intent that everyone else was doing his or her jobs, that he forgot to do his. He had left the fuel in the trunk of Mr. Taylor's car. Louis at once got into panic mode and began screaming "we're gonna die!!!" at the top of his lungs. Harry shouted at louis to shut up. Lily suggested that we call Mr. Taylor to ask him if he could just send another person with some fuel while Sarah tried to calm down Harry, and I comforted a hurt Lou. Harry said it was a good idea, and said that we had better put down the anchor, as to not float off course, because the wind was beginning to blow strongly. Louis then turned crimson and sweared loudly. Yeah, you guessed it. He forgot the anchor. He and Harry immediately started shouting at each other, Harry saying that Louis was immature not to bring the anchor, and now we were going to float off course. Louis got really upset and said that if Harry had not forgotten the fuel, there would be no need to have an anchor. Honestly, and I'm not being biased here, I think Lou had a point. Harry then shouted at Louis that he was just an immature, stupid boy, who was the worst singer and least popular in the band and who no one really liked.

That was the last straw for me. I had just screamed at Harry that he was a terrible prick, and how could he even say such things!!! We all know that Louis and Niall get the least solos, because their voices aren't 'strong' enough. I think their voices are perfectly fine. And yeah Louis was immature, and so what he failed his exams, that was why we loved him, no? And it definitely was NOT true that he was not liked! Everyone loved his childish ways, it was adorable. Then Niall came up. Louis had crumpled into a mess for a second, and had buried his face in my neck. I got really angry because I could feel his tears running on my skin. The then turned back around really quickly and faced Harry. Terrible, disgusting, dick of a boy. How can Sarah love him!? Niall shoved himself in the middle of us and demanded for us all to shut up. We listened. "Guys." he said, "Stop behaving like toddlers. I think we're all really tired and maybe we should get an early nights rest, ok?" The four of us nodded slowly. Harry stormed off into the cabin, looking as if HE wanted to cry now. Sarah dashed after him.

I knew that Louis and I weren't welcome in that cabin tonight, so I crept in quickly and grabbed the sleeping bag. We would sleep out on the deck. Harry and Sarah were on the lower bunk bed already, Harry with his face buried in his hands, Sarah hugging him and whispering things to him. "Good night, Heather." Sarah said in a monotone. I merely gave a curt nod and backed out of the room. Niall and Lily were huddled together by the doorway, waiting for me. They both hugged me tightly and whispered good night. I hugged them back and motioned for them to go into the cabin. Louis was sitting in the middle of the deck, staring. I unrolled the sleeping bag, and practically dragged him into it. I quickly crawled in next to him and zipped it up. He sniffled. I put my arm around him and ask," You ok, sweetie?" He just shakes his head. I wrap both arms around him and whisper," I know, babe, I know." He sighs and kisses my forehead. I kiss his temple and smooth back his hair. "And guess what? Tomorrow is another day. We'll fix this mess, k?" He nods and snuggles closer to me. As his breathing slows and we both slip away into our dreams, I desperately try to believe myself.

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