Land HO!!!

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Chapter nine- part One

Lily's P.O.V.

"LAND HO!!!" Ni and I bellowed once more. Harry and Sarah appeared first, closely trailed by Lou and Heather. While the other four weren't paying attention to the surroundings when they were in the back of the boat, I had seen a tiny rocky island close in the distance. Soon after I called down to Niall to come up quickly, the bottom of the boat had grazed some rocks, and a long, moaning sound was coming from it. Niall and I had shouted, "LAND HO!!!" at the top of our lungs, to get the others' attention a.s.a.p. As we all crowded to the front and squinted at the piece of rock, we were all lurched forward. The boat had heaved it'self off of the rocks and was now bobbing towards the choppy waves by the shore of the little island. Sarah shrieked loudly. She had smashed into the railing, and the top half of her body was tilting over it, with her legs kicking frantically behind her, not able to reach the ground. Harry cried out and rushed to grab her waist, to prevent her from toppling over the edge. He tugged her backwards, and smothered her in his arms, holding on to her for dear life. Louis had smashed into Heather, and they were lying in a pile on the floor, Louis lying on top of Heather as if he were shielding her from bombs. I found myself falling to the left, but I was the luckiest. Instead of smashing to the floor or into the railing, I fell into Niall's safe, warm, strong arms. I looked up at him gratefully, forgetting any doubt I had of his love since the incident this morning. As the boat gave another lurch, he slowly sank down to sit on the deck, pulling us both down to safety. Harry dragged Sarah down in a similar manner, till we were all sprawled out on the deck floor, anticipating the next lurch.

We all lay in silence for about ten minutes, until we were certain that we had settled into the patch of calm water. Harry was the first to stand up and survey the surroundings. Louis, still lying on top of Heather, looked up at Harry and called, in a whiny voice, "Haz, can we get up now. I don't want to fall down again." Everyone, with the exception of him and Heather, (I'm sure Heather would have, had she not a grown man lying on top of her!) laughed at his voice. As if to confirm my suspicion, Heather wheezed at Harry, "Hazza, please........say yes and get him OFF of me!!" The four of us erupted into giggles again, Louis looked at Heather, feigning hurt. "What are you saying, I'm heavy!?" Heather smiled and kissed his nose, "No, babe, you're so light that you're NOT squeezing my insides out!" Louis chuckled at this one and pressed down more on Heather, and whispered quietly, "You know you like it, babe. Don't pretend you don't like this position." Heather blushed and avoided looking at him in his eyes. I fought the urge to gag, but giggled as Niall wiggled his eyebrows at me.

Harry looked at us all with amusement and cleared his throat. Sarah was now standing next to him and the two lovebirds next to me were lip-locking. Niall shoved himself up and helped me up, too. We had entered the small cove where the water was calm. The island just looked like a mass of rock, with a little cliff hanging over the sandy bay. The boat was about thirty metres from the shore, which meant we were going to have to wade in the water to get to the land. On the whole island, there seemed to be no form of life or plants. As Louis and Heather stood up, both flushed in the face, Louis joked, "Wow! So this is the island Mr Taylor owns!! Nice place, huh? So, um, where's the beach house, and the trees!?" Heather rolled her eyes and smacked Louis, "Behave! Now! "Louis draped his arm around her shoulders and winked at her. I exchanged a glance with Niall; those two were acting really weird. Like, very lovey-dovey. Oh well, there wasn't time to figure out their love lives for them. "So," Ni said, turning to face us," who wants to get out of this boat!?" We all exchanged grins and headed to the cabin to change into some swimwear!

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