Oh holy carrots!

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(Author's Note)

Heya guys!!!

This chapter took me a little encouragement to write; i kept on putting off writing it. But eventually i got here!!! I actually got some help with Heather's P.O.V. from my Hazza- sharnet008- I WOULDNT HAVE BEEN ABLE TO UPLOAD IF NOT FOR HER!!! Wanna say thanks to all my wonderful fans who were there for me when i was going through a difficult time, and wanted to kill off Heather and put Louis with Amanda (GASP!! AM I CRAZY!!! I know, I know!!) Especially hulkfreak13, she was so inspirational and talked the sense back into my brain!! SHOUTOUTS to her, 1dluvforever282, 123mta321, lexiwhitney and MyInvisibleTear......they commented on chapter 11, and made me feel special!!! LOVE YOU GUYS SOOO MUCH!!! SPECIAL SHOUTOUT TO MY MATE, MORGAN!!!!  I'm in an (imaginary) British/Irish band with her......we're called "The Hob-Wankas" (dont even ask!!) THATS HER WATTPAD THERE- Its_adoublelove- GO GO GO FAN HER!!!! lol!! Well this is dedicated to her, (THIS ONE'S FOR YOU, MORGAN!!)  and if I upload chapter 13, then you know i survived the wrath of Hazza for not dedicating to her!! If anyone else who i forgot to mention reads this and feels offended, then im REALLY REALLY SORRY!!! Also, to anyone else who felt the blunt end of my ferocious temper this week......im super sorry, too!! Also, excuse the name of the chapter, because i had NO IDEA what to call it!! If anyone has an idea of a better name, then comment it PLEASE PLEASE!!! Ok, i think i've bored y'all for long enough now.




P.S. I've officially changed my name to "Jay". i want to be called that from now on.....pretty please (with the exception of Hazza- Im still your Boo Bear!) I'd honestly love you guys a lot if you called me Jay!!

now on with the story

wait, PLEASE PLEASE  PLEASE continue hating on Amanda, because I hate her too, and I love when you hate her with me!!! We can have a hating session!! Okay....... :P

bye (for now)

                               Chapter twelve- Part One

                                    Mariah’s P.O.V.

After Amanda and Liam had disappeared up the stairs, we all stared at each other awkwardly. Heather and Louis offered to clear the table and put the dishes into the dishwasher, while Niall and Lily got up and walked to the game room. (Yes, they had a game room!!) Soon after we heard the telly being put on and Harry sighed. We all looked up at him. Zayn snickered, “What’s the matter, Styles? Still hungry!!?” Harry smirked at him and stuck his tongue out, “Yeah!! I think I'm spending too much time with Niall!” his face melted from the grin, and his voice turned serious. “But, honestly. I know I’ve only met her for about half an hour, but don’t you think there’s something odd about Amanda? I mean, besides for having to deal with Li not liking her, she had this weird aura. Like, I was kinda intimidated by her……and usually I'm NEVER intimidated.” Zayn muttered, “True, that.” earning a giggle from Sarah, and a glare from Harry. Harry rolled his eyes, and smiled. “Well,” I began, “We’ve known her for two weeks, and I'm gonna agree with you, Harry. She’s pretty weird, but I don’t think it has to do with any mystical, magical aura!” Zayn and Sarah cracked up. “But there IS something, kinda, well………..sinister. I mean, when she doesn’t get her way, she’ll find some way to get it, or put her sights on something totally absurd.” Zayn nodded, and after thoughtfully rubbing his chin (which, by the way, had an adorable layer of stubble on it) said slowly, “I noticed that. I remember when we went out to dinner, on the 2nd night, and she asked for steak, I think. And the waiter said sorry, but there wasn’t any steak left; she would have to choose duck, chicken or fish. She was pissed, but she ordered the fish. But when it came, she complained and said it wasn’t seasoned properly and was inedible, so the waiter had to take it away. Then she ordered chicken, but made a fuss that it was overdone, but in the end, ended up eating it. And that was only because Li was getting annoyed. So, really, she just wanted the waiter and chef to have a bad time since she couldn’t get what she originally wanted.” Sarah and Harry’s facial expressions were shocked, as if they couldn’t believe she’d fuss over something like that. Sarah lowered her voice, so the no one else but us could hear. “Guys, I  didn’t want to say this in front  of Heather or Lou, but didn’t it seem like Amanda was trying to flirt with Louis, or at least, stare at him a lot!!?” Harry’s face twisted in disgust, “Eww!! Amanda and Louis, no way!! Besides, I like Girl-Carrot, and she’d be hurt if Amanda DID have her sights on Lou. Let’s just hope she doesn’t try to get him.” We all looked at each other and nodded, some unspoken understanding passing among us. If, in the highly unlikely event that Amanda did try to get Louis, we would all be team Heather. And that wasn’t about to change.

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