Holiday.......and tears!!?

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Hey guys! This chappie is dedicated to Ahley_Loves_Niall because I owe her a chapter from before!! :P SHOUTOUTS to Haleema58 and AreYouReadyToFanGirl, because they were the 1st and 2nd commentors!!! SHOUTOUTS to TS1DFAN just because she's amazayn and to Scotti_luv because she did an interview on me......go check it out!!! Last SHOUTOUT to wish_you_could_be_me becasue she motivated me!!!!

SHOUTOUTS to those who I cant live without:

SarcasmRocks- I know you hate lovey-dovey stuff, but I LOVE YOU! sharnet008- I LOVE YOU too, my Hazza Bear!!! XxChrissyMissyxX- you're amazayn and you know it KesharaSDAndrew- thanks for always being there when I need you!

On with the story now!? Nahhh!!!!!! I wanna say THANKS FOR READING, VOTING AND COMMENTING!!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!! You give me motivation!! Also, please no more death treaths, (cough! cough!) cus' if I'm dead, how will I upload!? And just remember to click that 'vote' button on the side there! See it? NOW CLICK IT!!!!!!! Don't forget to comment and, you know, stuff!!! My requirement to upload is still 10 votes, 10 comments, but if i DON'T upload, chill, I have exams!

So ENJOY this chappie, keep calm, love 1D and eat carrots!

Love y'all lots,

Jordan <3

Chapter Six- part One

Heather's P.O.V.

As I stuffed the last bandage into the 'emergency pack' that I was in charge of, I heaved a sigh of relief. I giggled as a snore came from Lou, who lay asleep, open mouthed, on the couch next to me. We were all assigned a job by Mr.Harry Styles, who became super pumped for the holiday, and Louis was obviously neglecting his. He was supposed to be getting the anchor ready, for sailing, but he would just have to deal with Harry's rage on his own! I heard something fall in the next room, but ignored it as I stretched out on the couch next to Louis. It was probably something falling from Lil or Sars, who were doing whatever their jobs were.

I yawned loudly and stretched like a cat. I was really tired, because last night we had to move into the townhouse, then pack our stuff for this trip, then once Mr. Taylor (Niall's mum's friend) had confirmed we could go to the island, Harry had rung up Simon (YES! THE Simon Cowell!!!) and arranged for us to get a flight from Gatwick to the Newquay Cornwall Airport at about 11:30pm. By 1:20 am we were in Mr Taylor's house, crashed out in his living room. Harry had woken us all up at 7:00am on the dot, fed us, and set us all to work. After we had received our orders from HRH (His Royal Highness) King Styles, he and Niall left with Mr. Taylor to go to the town and get enough fuel to get to the island and (duh) enough food! As soon as the car had drove off, Lou fell back asleep and we girls got to our jobs. It was about 9:30am now, and he was out for about 2 hours, straight, so I had to get my share now!

* * *

I felt myself being roughly shaken. I jolted awake and sat upright, rubbing my eyes and murmuring, "Whaaa!?" Harry laughed and then put on his angry face. "Why are you two snoring away when there is work to be done!!?" he demanded, while jabbing at Lou. I rolled my eyes and swung my feet to the floor, replying, "WORK to be done!!? What work!? We're going on a fricking holiday, Styles, not bootcamp!!" He grudgingly smiled as Louis groggily sat up and said, "Hazza Bear!! Let us sleep, and stop treating my girlfriend like a slave!" Girlfriend!? He said girlfriend!!? I was considered a girlfriend? I mean, we kissed, but......!? We only knew each other for two days! I mean, I obviously liked him from before!! Harry seemed to be sensing my thoughts and smirked. I felt my face turning red and bolted out the door to help Niall bring in the food, which looked enough for an army.

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