And the fun begins. Sort of.

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Chapter ten- part one

Louis's P.O.V.

I had been awake for about ten minutes. I had no clue what time it was, and I didn't care. Last night hadn't turned out as one may have expected. After Heather had nodded, and said "Ok." Things started to move quickly. Just when we were about to go 'all the way', Heather had lain her hand on my chest. "Lou, I'm scared." she whispered. I wasn't expecting that and I had tumbled on her. After rolling off, we both sat up. I just nodded. She had taken my hand and said," I'm sorry I can't make you happy in that way, but I'm not ready for that yet." I swallowed and squeezed her hand. "First time?" I asked. She nodded and quietly said, "Yeah." I felt my heart leap- so it wasn't me alone who'd never done it before. Though I had lied to the world when we were on the X Factor, and on other occasions, and said that I had done it before, I really never had. I know, 20, and still pure in that department!!? It's just that with Hannah and Eleanor, I had never wanted to do it either. They both had, but it was as Heather had said, I just wasn't ready. But now I was, I felt that it was right, with her. And if she wanted to wait, I'd wait on her, because I was positive that she was the one for me. It didn't really matter to me that I was the oldest member and still the only one. I mean, even Harry thought that I had done it with Hannah, and I didn't want him to think any different. Sure, he was the youngest, but I was positive that he'd done it more than all of us added together. I smiled at Heather and stroked her hand, "Babe, don't you ever, ever, think that you're not making me happy. Being with you is more than enough to make me happy, and I'm sorry if I pressured you into thinking otherwise." She nodded again, but tears welled up in her eyes. "I- I'm just scared." I wiped the tears from her eyes and said, "I know, its ok. And guess what, it's my first time, too!" I really hadn't meant for that to come out and she looked really shocked, but she said nothing. She just looked a little more relaxed and smiled back, "Well, then, let's just get some sleep, kay? It's getting late." We both lay back down, side by side, and fell asleep holding hands.

Heather moved her head from where it was resting on my chest and groaned. I looked down at her, "Morning, beautiful." She opened her eyes and blushed, but smacked my chest. "Lou! You're a silly a**!! You call me beautiful when I'm looking like an ogre." I chuckled and retorted, "You never look like an ogre, babe!! You're perfect just the way you are!" Heather frowned and looked at me suspiciously, "Why are you treating me nicely!!? I hope it's nothing to do with last night, because if it is I'm sorry." She said the last part quietly, and looked away. I grabbed her chin and forced her to look at me, "Hey, hey, hey!! Stop that. It's nothing to do with last night, ok? Why can't I treat you nicely, once in a while?" She stuck out her tongue at me, "Because it's not normal for you to be nice, you ape!!" I grinned and replied, "Well, some things do change." She laughed again, "Hey, what's the time?" she asked. I shrugged and opened my mouth to reply. I never got the chance. Harry's head appeared through the entrance flap and he bellowed, "TIME TO GET UP, Carrot Girl!!" Heather yelled and flung a pair of sunglasses at his grinning face. It hit his forehead and he grabbed it, saying, "Ow!! What was that for!?" Heather glared at him and sat up, "Harry, how long have you been listening to us?" she demanded. Harry smirked, "Long GET UP, Tommos!! The man that Mr Taylor is sending will be here any moment. Its 9:45aready, so come on and let's get breakfast. Niall just woke us up, so you shouldn't get any privileges to stay lying down while we pack up the things!" With that his curly head disappeared and Heather and I exchanged looks, "Long enough?" she mouthed. I merely shrugged, "Come on, girl Tommo. Let's go before the crazy leprechaun attacks us." I sat up as well, and crawled out of the tent, not wanting to see her facial expression when I said "Girl Tommo."

"Look who have decided to join us lowly paupers- Their royal highnesses, The Lovely- and not to mention LAZY- Tommos!!!" Niall announced dramatically. I rolled my eyes and punched Niall on the shoulder, "Hey!!! That's unfair, Ni. We've been up ages; just we didn't bother to come out of the tent. And besides, Heather isn't a Tommo, so,

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