Our Master Plan

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Chapter Two: Part One

Harry’s P.O.V.

        I cracked my fingers and stared at the phone on the table in front of me. ‘Sarah,’ I muttered, ‘Sarah. I think I may be in serious like with you!’ I heard a snicker from behind me, and whipped around as quickly as possible. Louis and Niall stood behind me, Lou with a hand covering his mouth and Niall bend over in silent laughter. Louis laughed and said, “You, my friend, have got it bad for a girl you haven’t even met as yet!” Niall burst into his scandalous laughter, looked up, red in the face and yelled to Zayn and Liam, who had walked through the door, “Hey guys! Haz is in lurve!!  With a girl he doesn’t know!! Ha!!” My face quickly turned to match Niall’s and I jumped up to defend myself. “Boys! Boys! BOYS!” I shouted at the four of them, who were killing themselves with laughter. They looked up, angelic expressions on their faces. “I am NOT in love with her, ok!? I’m just maybe a little excited. I think we all are!” they stopped laughing and shrugged.

 After Liam and Zayn had left, I turned to Louis and Niall, grinning mischievously. I had a bone to pick with them and here was my chance. “Louis! If I remember correctly, it was you who went in the box and saw Sarah’s friend, Heather’s name. Then you became obsessed and decided you must have her didn’t you?” Louis blushed a shade of red I didn’t know existed. I continued, “Then you were the one who found out that she had a friend who liked Niall, too!” Louis protested, “I may have found them, but you two decided to go along with it! Besides, Heather seemed so perfect for me, I just could not resist it!” he said. “Also, this is part Nialler’s fault, too!” he turned and pointed accusingly at Niall. Niall’s eyebrows shot up and he demanded, “Nialler’s fault, huh!?” he paused, “well, maybe. I was excited to hear about Lily!” I grinned and teased him, “so go on about this Lily!”

                     Niall’s face returned to the shade from earlier as he continued, “And then, my Lily, well I was captivated by her personality.” Louis opened his mouth to add something, but Niall held up his hand. “I’m not finished, Lou! I KNOW it was me who told Haz about their friend, Sarah! So we’re all to blame. I mean, three best friends, one for each of us, who you have to admit, sound like perfect matches for us three! We couldn’t just pass up on that opportunity!” Louis smiled slyly and shrugged, “Well, I guess we couldn’t. We took necessary measures to make sure we ended up with those girls. And once no one finds out what you did, Haz, we’re cool!” I raised my eyebrow and demanded, “Ok, since when this became all Haz’s fault!!?” I asked, “Huh?” Niall punched Louis and said, “He meant, ‘Once no one finds out what WE did, Haz, we’re cool!! Right, Lou?” Louis, rubbing his shoulder with a hurt expression on his face, nodded. “Yeah!” he said, “or else we’ll surely be heading in a Deadly Direction!!’” We all burst out laughing, but in my mind, I found myself agreeing. We could let NO ONE know, not even Zayn or Liam.

*                                         *                                             *

Chapter Two: Part Two

Louis’s P.O.V.

            I sighed as I flopped down onto my bed. Soon enough, when the girls arrived, Harry would be moved into here and my personal space would be invaded. I laughed as I thought of the fun the ten of us would have…for a whole year. I just didn’t get why they wouldn’t let us share our room with the girl that we got. We couldn’t each have our own bedrooms for the next year, because there were only five bedrooms in the townhouse that I and the boys shared. Apparently, me and Harry would be sharing, Liam and Zayn sharing, Heather and Sarah sharing, Kelley and Amanda sharing, and, (because everyone voted that they would be the least likely to do anything inappropriate) Niall and Lily would be sharing.

As usual, I had gotten no say in the matter, and it was Daddy Direction’s decision. I was beginning to hate my status in the band as the immature, weird, carrot-eating member who could not be taken seriously. I actually was hoping that Harry would want to share with Sarah and insist on it, so the rules would be forced to change. Then I could have my way and get to be Heather’s roommate. I really hoped that we would hit it off, and I knew that Sarah was going to love Harry and Niall would treat Lily like a princess.

I felt a pang of guilt as I realised that our relationships would be built on a foundation of lies. The girls would think that they were so lucky to be randomly picked; that it was fate that had brought us together, and it was just a mere coincidence that the three of them were picked from the same residence. I now wished that I had not gone in the box with the entrees in it and fished out random names. I had gone through tons of girls until I saw that name- Heather! Her personality seemed perfect for me and she seemed intent on getting me, too. That made me intent on getting her, and as I did more (let’s call it ‘research’, not stalking) on her, I realised that she had two best friends with whom she lived with and who both wanted Harry and Niall.

Naturally, I rushed to go tell Niall, and in turn he rushed off to tell Harry. And then we all rushed off to be three rushing fools who rushed into things that needed not to be rushed into!!! Ok, that’s enough rushing! Anyway, the three of us decided that we must have those girls. But, we had to find a way to do that in such a way that no one would know. The picking was going to be done by a lady from the company who had organised the contest, and she was just going to plunge her hand into each box and pick a random girl.

We sat down one night and thought of a master plan; me, Haz and Nialler. Finally, Niall came up with the idea of the lady having something magnetic on her hand, while the three slips of paper would each have a backing of iron attached to them. Then Harry protested and said that there was no way we could convince the lady to cheat. I felt guilty, but I suggested an idea I had forming in my mind. One of us could present her with a ring that was magnetic and innocently insist she wore it to the picking. The boys thought it was brilliant, and we went out and bought one with a magnetic band the next day. Later, I and Niall sneaked in the room where the papers were, and attached the iron backings to the papers and pushed them to the bottom of the box, for we were positive the lady would plunge her hand to the bottom. Meanwhile, Harry was off visiting the hostess and presenting her with the ‘token of appreciation for organising this event’, and making sure she would wear it the following day. Our master plan was finished, and it would surely work.

And it had. But for some reason, getting the girl that I wanted did nothing to remove that feeling of guilt and dread that was bubbling through my mind. Maybe it might have been better if we had just stayed out of it and accepted any girl. Maybe I wouldn’t have such a guilty conscience. But now it was too late, and I could do nothing to change the past.

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