The Results

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Chapter One: Part One

Heather's P.O.V.

"Sarah! Sarah! Sarah! Sarah!!!" I shouted, running through the door our apartment with my arms flailing. Sarah Adams, my best friend, looked up from the magazine she was reading and brought her eyes up to meet me. Rolling her eyes she asked," What is it this time, Ms Clift!!? Don't you see I'm reading an article on the One Direction competition? The one that we entered? Me, you and Lily? This is important Heather, so SHUT UP!!"

I could not believe Sarah's attitude so I just screamed at her "THE FLOOTING RESULTS FOR JUST THAT ARE COMING OUT TODAY YOU!!! THAT'S WHY IM ACTING LIKE THIS!!!" Sarah had a minor heart attack,"Wait WHAT!!!? Grab the keys............we're heading to the closest store where we can see the results............on a big screen!!! Call Lily quickly and just so you know, we're not leaving there till we're sure that you'll be going to see Louis Tomlinson, Lily going to see Niall Horan and I'll be going to see Harry Styles!!!!!!" So, screaming our heads off, we ran out the door.

* * *

We had settled ourselves in a café, with a screen large enough to Sarah's liking. We tried to act normal (as normal as it was humanely possible for us to act) while other squealing girls stormed into the small café. Soon, the place was packed, so we shoved ourselves to the front of the crowd, ignoring the glares and curses directed at us. I had called Lily and she was on her way. I looked across at Sarah and squeezed her hand encouragingly, "This is it, Sarah............our lives may be changed in a couple of minutes....'' I hissed. She returned the squeeze, and, while hyperventilating/ giggling, whispered back," I all I need to do is breathe, and things will be fine!!!"

I cracked my fingers as girls screamed as the screen flashed and 1D and a pretty hostess came on saying, "Now, all my excited fans, the moment is HERE-'' Lilyappeared, and, gripping my shoulders and cutting into my thoughts, whispered, "I'm here!!" Sarah glared at her and clamped her hand over her mouth. "Shush!!" Sarah snapped. Lily's eyebrows raised but she remained silent. I tuned my thoughts back on the screen.

The lady reached into a box with all the 'Niall' contestants. "We will be doing this in a random order, ok? So the girl for Niall is first."Lily gasped as Niall stepped forward grinning while the lady plunged her hand into the clear box and rummaged through the thousands of papers. Pulling out one sheet of paper, she said triumphantly, "And we have a winner! From London, we have Lily Bentley, age 18 years!!!" My mouth dropped to the floor and my eyes bulged, in utter shock. Lily!!! This was our Lily!!!!! As it processed in my brain, I had time to hear a strangled squeak escape from Lily's throat and she slumped backwards into my arms. She had fainted.

Sarah looked across without saying a word and we both glued our eyes to the screen, me supporting Lily's limp body. She may be a winner, but she would have to wait till I heard Louis before we could go to the hospital. The lady continued, "So I'm sure our first winner is screaming her mind away at this moment," I grinned as I thought how far away the announcer was from the truth. The announcer continued, "Don't worry, lucky Ms Bentley, we will contact you and the other winners at the end of the program. I adjusted Lily's body in my arms as Sarah came to take some of the weight away from me.

"And now we will have the lucky lady for our darling Louis!" I was thankful for Sarah helping me hold Lily then, because my limbs began to shake. The lady fished out a slip of paper, with Louis smiling shyly in the background, and my palms turned into lakes. As she and Louis observed the piece of paper, her eyes widened and her face fell into a frown.Louis's eyes widened as well, but his face turned into one of triumph and ecstasy. I could swear that he wanted to do a fist pump. The announcer cleared her throat and said, "Well this is certainly very, VERY odd. This has never happened before in history!!" My stomach clenched and I began to wish I hadn't eaten at lunch.

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