Kitchen Disaster

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Chapter Four- Part One

Lily’s P.O.V

 As Niall’s hands wrapped around my waist, it dawned on me. I was kissing Niall Horan!!!! I WAS KISSING NIALL HORAN!!! Fireworks were going off in my brain and I thought of the many times I had envisioned meeting him and eventually sharing this moment with him. But, I’ve only known him for about ten minutes. I reluctantly broke the kiss and pulled away from him. His eyes looked at my face worriedly. “What’s wrong,” he asked, “Is my breath bad!?” I giggled but then put on my serious face. “Niall…-!” I began, but he held up his hand. He stared at his toes and said, “Yeah! I get it! You don’t like me like that……just because I’m in your favourite band does not mean I can just kiss you and get away with it!” My heart melted when I saw the expression on his face. I took his hands in mine and squeezed. “Niall……Niall, look at me!” he brought his face up to meet mine. “I have loved you since that audition on the X Factor!” His mouth curved upwards into a grin and he said, “Really!?” I nodded and fell into his arms for my very first Horan Hug! As I buried my face in his neck, I murmured “Really!” He picked me up, bridal style and rested me back on the couch.  Heather clasped her hands and squealed, “Awwww!” Louis grinned and looked at Heather in a strange way. Harry got up and turned off the lights, then returned to Sarah’s side. I wiggled closer to Niall and rested my head on his chest.  I heard a Sarah-like giggle from the floor and an angry, “SHHH!” that sounded like Louis.  The giggle came again and Harry said, in a very cheeky voice, “Goodnight everyone! Sleep, um, well! I know I will!”

 *                                          *                                        *

Chapter Four- Part Two

Heather’s P.O.V

The carpet was not a very comfortable place to sleep on. I figured that out as I opened my eyes and my back was aching. But, I didn’t mind sleeping on a carpet if it was next to Louis Tomlinson. I looked around and realised that everyone was still sleeping. It was about 11:24 am, and my stomach was rumbling like crazy. Yesterday I had eaten a light lunch and I was now starving. I groaned and stretched out, forcing myself into a sit up position. I heard a grunt next to me and looked down to see Louis staring at me. My heart did a little flip flop……those eyes!!! He smiled sleepily and whispered, “I’m hungry!” I nodded and quietly stood up, motioning for him to do the same while placing a finger on my lips. He slowly got up and we tip-toed to the small bedroom that Sars, Lil and I shared.

    I shut the door behind me quietly, and turned to face Louis. He smiled lopsidedly and gestured to his clothes. "Um, my clothes are kinda dirty, and not very comfortable!" he said. Those suspenders really DID NOT look comfy, and his shirt was stained with coffee. I picked my way through the mess in the room and to the cupboard to see what I could find for him. I rifled through my old clothes, till I found one of my dad's t-shirts that i used to wear at night. I tossed it to him and he caught it and laughed. "What!?" I demanded. He grinned and pointed at the slogan on the front, "Check it," he said, " 'Free Hugs!' Harold has a t-shirt like that, but it says 'Free Fu-!' " I clamped my hand over his mouth and giggled. "I know what his shirt says, Louis!" He stepped away from me and took off his suspenders and shirt, right in front of my face. I must have turned beet red, because after he had pulled the shirt over his head, he blushed and stared at the floor. He looked up again and held out his arms. " You can take up the shirt's offer and come for a hug, you know!" I willingly stepped towards him and embraced him with a big squeeze. "Ouch!" he complained, " Do you want to squeeze my guts out!?" I laughed and squeezed harder, whispering, "Yeah! As a matter of fact, I do! But before that, can we go eat something? Im starving!!" Louis nodded eagerly and said, " Me too! Why don't we make breakfast for everyone else as well?" I looked at him skeptically, but gave in, " Sure! Why not, though we know that we both can't cook! What's the worst that could happen!?"

*                                                         *                                                *

                                        Chapter Four- Part Three

                                              Louis' P.O.V.

         "Ok! I've got the eggs, you've got the toast, then we'll both do the bacon. Cool?" I turned to Heather and asked, holding the crate of eggs in one hand and some cheese in the other. She turned around from buttering the first piece of toast to face me and nodded. She looked so perfect I almost dropped the eggs! 'Pull it together, man!' I thought to myself. While she buttered the remaining toast, I poured the eggs in the pan. Scrambled eggs was probably the only thing I couldn't mess up! I moved my spoon around till the eggs were ready and covered the pan with a plate and a cloth. Heather trotted over and we put the bacon in the other pan. As it sizzled and popped, I turned my back and followed her to the fridge. She was rummaging her hand through a plastic bag with orange things in it. ORANGE THINGS!!! " Are those carrots!!!?" I demanded. She smiled and handed me the bag. I couldnt help myself from laughing loudly because on the bag, in black sharpie marker, was written 'HEATHER'S CARROTS! DON'T TOUCH OR ELSE!' I plunged my hand in and popped one in my mouth. "I just ate what!?' I demanded. She leaned in and kissed me. "That!" she said, as she pulled away. I dropped the carrots on the counter as I pulled her into my arms.

              "What is that SMELL!!!?" Heather pushed herself away from me and peered over my shoulder. I was now getting a waft of smoke. Her eyes widened and she yelled,"Oh! My! Holy! Carrots! FIRE!!!" I darted around and saw that the pan that had started off with bacon now contained black remnants of it. The cloth covering the eggs was on fire, I dont know how it had caught, and the fire was now spreading up to the curtains covering the windows above the stove. I grabbed Heather's hand and quickly dragged her out of the kitchen and into the living room. Harry was running towards us and demanding why the place was smelling like smoke. Niall and Lily were sitting up sleepily and yawning while Sarah ran straight into the kitchen shouting, "MY KITCHENN!!!!!!!" with her arms waving about her head. Harry quickly followed, and I crept cautiously behind him. Sarah was shouting at me and Heather about how we were so ridiculous to try and cook when we obviously couldnt. Harry was now taking water and flinging it at the fire with a pitcher. Soon enough, the fire was out, but four pairs of angry eyes turned accusingly to me and Heather. I grabbed her arm and walked to the front door, trying not to inhale the scent of burnt cloth. I swallowed and opened the door, gesturing outside. "Why don't we just go to a cafe or something to eat........I'll drive and pay!" Sarah and Harry glared at me, but Niall was out the door before you could say 'Irish', closely followed by Lily. I winked at Harry and said, "Come on Hazzah! You know you're hungry!" His face formed into a grin and, pushing Sarah out the door, he replied, "HELL YEAH! I could eat a cow!" I laughed, threw my arm around Heather's shoulders and ran after them, screaming, "GO CARROTS!!!"


So hey there to all my readers who are now reading this! First of all, thanks SO MUCH for reading!! 2nd of all though, (I stole this idea from a friend), I want announce that I want ten comments and ten votes for whapter 5 to be uploaded!!! Tell me if I'm sounding too greedy, but I have exams and I need some motivation!!!!! So please people, when you finish read, just click that nice little "vote" button! Oh, and the 1st person to comment gets the next chapter dedicated and the 2nd person gets a shout out!!!

<3 Love y'all and eat carrots!


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