Chapter Fifty One~Goodbye And What Awaits

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Ash stands with Aragorn watching as there friends leave, Frodo walks up to her the two hug. "Promise you'll come and visit, Bilbo will want to know what happened." he says. Ash kneels down "This time why don't you tell the story, I love you both so much you'll see me again I promise." they hug one last time. As the Hobbits start there adventure home with Gandalf.

"I will be checking up on you Ash!" shouts Gandalf with a smile, Ash laughs "I'll be waiting!" she says walking down the steps to Gimli. Ash kneels "Ah little dragon." they smile and hug "If any of the company is still alive, please tell them I'm becoming queen, and that I hope Kili, Balin, Thorin, and you." Gimli pats his chest with his fist over his heart "With honor."

Ash stands as Gimli leaves for his home under the mountain, she smiles and starts to walk back up the steps.

"You aren't going to leave with out saying goodbye a second time are you?"

Ash smiles turning around "Well I'm think'n about it."

The two laugh as Legolas walks up the steps to her, he holds a hand to her cheek playing with her hair a little "Any advice on how to rule?" ask Ash, Legolas thinks "......if you Love your people they will love you."

"As much as I love you."

Legolas puts his finger up pointing it at her "No....I am the only one who can have that kind of love." the two laugh. Ash bits her lip as she takes something out of her pocket "I made it last night after the crowning, I thought...hey we have a doll of me why not of you." she says pulling out a doll that looked like Legolas.

Legolas smiles and takes out his doll "I'll keep this one, and you can keep me." says Ash.

"Sounds like a plan." says Legolas.

The two lean in for a kiss and pull away smiling.

Ash watches as he mounts his horses to head home, "Goodbye my elven prince." she says bowing. Legolas laughs "And fairwell, my Dragon Queen." Ash laughs as well as he rides off.

She smiles at the sunset before her, watching him like a mythical hero which he was "He is heading home my queen?" ask Kirous walking up next to Ash, "He is, he will be back to help us."

"With all due respect, we need no help."

Ash faces him "Everyone will need help from a great king to a broken queen, everyone needs help after what middle earth has gone through." Kirous turns to her as well "Our people be trusting of others with living from fear."

""Our people" will be open to trust from living in fear, I am the fire in the storm that will lead guide our people, my people back to the light." Ash smiles looking out at the setting sun "I can already see it, we can trade with the routes that lead through Gondor, fighting along side the dwarves of Maria, and celebrate out homing with the Shire and the elves-."

"He will betray you." says Kirous cutting Ash off, she looks to him confused "What?" Kirous sighs continuing "Legolas, will hurt you steal the throne you can't trust him. It's the same mistake your mother made if she had just married Sauron-"

"If my mother married Sauron you would be seeing the ground we stand on and many more miles be Mordor, I would be dragon of darkness, I am who I am because my mother and father....I will see there dream rebuild....Dragon Heart will rise again with the help of those who I call family." says Ash sternly.

"Do I make myself clear Kirous?"

Kirous reluctantly bows his head "Yes my queen." Ash nods and turns to walk away "And the my queen, Kirous it's Ash...the strange hobbit." she says happily.


Kirous had never liked the idea of asking the help of other to rebuild  the kingdom.

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