Chapter Fifty~A Guard For A Queen, A Crown For A King

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It's the thing she can remember before she died......wait how can I remember if I'm dead, thinks Ash.

She gasp and opens her eyes, black sorta fabric was above her. Ash sits up quickly hitting her head on a branch beam holding up the tent. "Are you ok milady?" ask a voice, Ash turns to the side to see a women with pale skin and short black hair, in a worriers outfit standing in the doorway. But the one thing that drew Ash to her were her eyes.

Her's glow blue like Ash's glow orange.

"Am I dead."

The girl gives a tough chuckle "No your not dead your very mush alive, The Guard dug you out after your patch of lava flowed out of Mount Doom." Ash looks at her questioningly "The Guard?"

The woman nods "Yes The Winged Guard sworn to protect the crown of Dragon Heart, come on everyone has been waiting to met you." she says taking Ash's hands pulling her up.

The two step outside, Ash was amazed to see clear skies over Mordor, she turns to look at the women to see who beautiful pair of silver wings "Y-your just like me?" the women shrugs "Why wouldn't I be, can't be apart of The Winged Guard if you don't have wings." the women motions outward.

Ash turns to see standing in a line six others with glowing eyes and wings as well, she points unable to speak. "Y-your all...Dragon-Borns." most of them look at each other and nod, "Yes of course, you say it as if we were dead."

Ash holds her head thinking "No but I-you...I thought I was the only one for years and years I've never seen another Dragon-Born." she says. The women steps forward "Of course you haven't we were hidden our people fled to the caves Orc once hid in, in the days when Mordor was Dragon Heart. But the Dragon guard has remained in a sleep here only to wake when danger has passed."


The volcano was erupting, fires belched from it's riven summit, sending lava streaming down it's sides. Frodo and Sam staggered out of the mountain. Frodo stumbled Sam helped him up.

But little did they know not very far beneath them were six self placed shells and or tombs of some sort. One of them starts to glow blush and burst open, the women with black hair comes out looking all around her, she touches her forehead her family markings glowing, and her wings appearing. One by one the shells start opening.

"We've been called the danger has passed." says the women.

"She here in these walls I can see it." says another.


"So you all have been underneath Mordor this whole time?" ask Ash. They all nod yes.

"Well thank you for saving me, who are you all?" 

The women steps forward. "My name is Taliva, dragon of Ice, second in command." she says taking her place in the line. Next to her was a young man with brown hair, green eyes, and brownish greenish wings. He bows "My name is Quartan, dragon of the forest, I work with weapons." next to him was a man with black hair, grey eyes, and grey wings "The names Vajor milady, dragon of shadows, I'm the more killer of the group." next to him was another young man, he had silverish hair as well as white eyes, with white wings. "My name is Akiai, dragon of spirts, the magic wielder." next to him was a short girl who looked almost like a child, she had brown hair in pigtails, green eyes, and yellow wings "Hi I'm Samala, dragon of lightning, I'm the healer." next to her was an older man, he had fading dark blonde hair, bright yellow eyes, and golden wings. "My name is Kirous my queen, the dragon of the sky, the leader of The Winged Guard." all of them get on one knee and bow.

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