Chapter Forty Nine~Leaving As A Hobbit

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Ash, Frodo, and Sam are still disguised in the orc armor, they slide down banked and land on the road below their attention isfixed on the plain below. thousands of orcs can be seen marching away from Mount Doom "Look, the Orcs! They're moving off. You see, Mr Frodo some luck at last." says Sam "Aragorn has come to fight." explains Ash.

They are still moving across a hellish dry landscape of twisted volcanic rock and steaming furies. Mount Doom is still a ways away it's feet founded in ash and ruin, its huge cone rising to a great height, where its reeking head is swathed in cloud.

Frodo slumps against a rock, he tries to drink from his water bottle but finds it empty. "Take mine there's a few drops left." says Sam. Ash shakes hers "Mines gone." she says out of breath. Frodo gratefully takes a small sip from Sam's bottle and hands it back. "There'll be none left for the return journey." says Frodo, the three come to realize "I don't think there will be a return journey, Mr Frodo." says Sam.

A moment of eye contact between the three as they acknowledge what lies ahead. Ash offers Frodo her hand and pulls him up as they stagger across the barren landscape. They are no longer wearing the Orc armour. Frodo is walking half-bowed, often stumbling as if his eyes not longer see the way before his feet. His right hand is pressed against his chest supporting a heavy weight. His left hand often rises, as if to ward off some invisible blow. 

"Frodo." starts Ash tired. A RAY Of RED LIGHT STABS THROUGH THE GLOOM!!! And begins to sweep over the land Sam throws himself to the ground. Frodo turns to the light, unable to stop himself Frodo crumples to the ground as the red light hits him like a search light. Ash was bent down as well her wings dropping making her weight even heavier.

Once the light is past the three stagger to their feet and move off. They are climbing the face of Mount Doom, red heat hisses out,the rocks are jagged and razor sharp, blankets of Ash cover the land. Frodo trips and falls face first into the dust, Sam drops beside him.

"Come...w-we can" starts Ash before she falls as well slowly they lift there heads and look up straight up the STEEP SLOPES of MOUNT DOOM! A huge mass of ash and slag and burned stone! Frodo starts to crawl on his hands and knees! He hauls himself a few feet before slumping in the ash.

Sam and Ash crawl to Frodo, Sam turns him over, holding him in his arms as Ash takes both there hands. "Do you remember the Shire, Mr Frodo? It'll be spring soon, and the orchards will be in blossom; and the birds will be nesting in the hazel thicket; and they'll be sowing the summer barley in the lower fields; and eating the first of the strawberries with cream. Do you remember the taste of strawberries?" ask Sam. Frodo shuts his eyes, his breath coming in gasp. "No, Sam. I can't recall the taste of food; nor the sound of water; nor the touch of grass. I'm naked in the dark. There's no veil between me and the wheel of fire. I can see it with my waking eyes." says Frodo.

Sam looks at Frodo and Ash. "Then let us be rid of it once and for all! Come on, Mr Frodo. I can't carry it for you.....but we can carry you! Come on!" shouts Sam. With that Sam and Ash lift Frodo on to there shoulders and starts to climb Mount Doom! They creep up the slope with Frodo on there backs foot by foot. The mantling clouds swirls, revealing the cruel pinnacles andiron crown, the Dark Tower, in the distance. The two are staggering under Frodo's weight.

A tremor ripples through the ground a red flame explodes into the sky Sam looks up fearful the mountain could explode at any moment!  Through the THICK, FUME-LADEN AIR a set of stairs can be made out "Look, Mr Frodo! We're almost there!" says Sam "I can't believe it." says Ash, then they heard a voice one Ash never wanted to hear in her lifetime.

"Clever Hobbits to climb so high!"


Out of nowhere the figure of Gollum crashes into them sending them sprawling. Gollum pounces on Frodo his fingers wrapping around his throat, snapping Frodo's neck from side to side!

Gollum's fingers were tightening around Frodo's neck squeezing the life out of him. WHACK! The butt of a sword hits the side of Gollum's head. Gollum looks up and smirks evilly at Ash "Baggines..." Sam jumps on the stunned Gollum. The old hatred between Sam and Gollum boils over as they fight.

Sam falls back Gollum bitting at his shoulder! Ash kicks Gollum away with her foot Gollum charges at her, Ash slashes out with her sword. She cuts Gollum across the stomach! He staggers back, screaming with pain "I should have killed you back in that cave..." Sam looks around desperately for Frodo "Frodo!"


Sam is gasping, Ash's lungs exploding as they race up the slopes of Mount Doom searching for Frodo. They arrive at the stone doorway leading into the mountain! They staggers into it! Sam flinches against the fierce heat blasting down the tunnel. The two lurch forward towards an orange glow deep in the heart of the mountain. 

Ash sees Frodo in the distance "I'm here, Sam, Ash." he says Frodo is standing on the edge of the crack of doom a deep lava filled chasm, in the very heart of ancient Sauron's forges, the greatest in Middle-earth. The raging orange glare from the chasm turns Frodo into a silhouette standing still.

Frodo holds the Ring in his hand, he raises it, holding it over the bubbling lava far below. "Destroy it!" shouts Ash "Throw it in the fire!" shouts Sam.

Frodo pulls the Ring close to his body as he turns to Sam and Ash. The Ring has finally taken him. "The Ring is mine."

FRODO PUTS THE RING ON! He vanishes! "No!" shouts Ash and Sam. Just then the great eye turns his gaze upon the mountain, Ash screams feeling her face burn "He see's me!!!" she shouts.

Footprints are moving across the ash covered cavern floor! 


Gollum smashes a rock down on Sam's head, knocking him to the ground! Gollum leaps on to the invisible Frodo! He staggering about under Gollum's weight! He suddenly lifts Frodo's hands to his face and bites hard! Frodo appears as he drops to his knees, clutching his bleeding hand screaming. 

Ash holds her head in pain "You have come to me my love, my queen, my fire." says his voice in her head.

Gollum is dancing gleefully perilously close to the edge of the chasm!

Ash looks ahead and then to Frodo, she takes his hand but it drops in hers. When she pulls away a blue gem sat there her sword started glowing, the gem was placed in the sword the Hobbit gem. Ash felt some strength come back to her. She stands talking to Sauron.

"You took my home, you took my parents, my friends, I am not letting you take the ones I love."

Frodo looks up at Ash realizing what she's gonna do, she turns her head back to him with a smile "I couldn't keep the promise I made.....take care of Bilbo and Legolas for me."


Ash lunges at Gollum with all her might sending them both into the Crack Of Doom, Frodo and Sam stand rushing over. 

As Ash falls her wings rush past her, she knows wants gonna happen knowing it can't come soon enough, she was thinking of him. A nice thought to have before you die.

His stray eyes, bright smile, she was Legolas not Sauron's.

The glow of lava came over her she could hear Mount Doom crumble around her. Ash Baggins, first of my name.

I am Ash Baggins last of the Dragon-Born.

I am Ash Baggins heir to Dragon Heart.

I am Ash Baggins my fire is my own.

I am Ash Baggins I found love in the most unexpected places.

I am Ash Baggins the unusual one who lived in the Shire.

I am Ash Baggins.

I was Raised By Hobbits.

And I'm happy to die as one.

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