Chapter Twenty Two~What Real Burglars Can Do

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Bilbo goes and wakes up Ash "Now we have to go now." he says "Bilbo I don't know if I can I can blearily keep my eyes open." she says he takes her hands "We have the night I'm not leaving you in this mountain of sickness." he says she nods. Just then the Arkenstone starts to glow so doses Ash sword beside her Bilbo knows what to do and takes a tiny piece off letting the sword have it. Ash holds her head in pain "I'm fine lets go." she says.

They cast a rope over the wall and climb down and run towards Dale; back in Dale "You, bowman! Do you agree with this? Is gold so important to you? Would you buy it with the blood of Dwarves?" ask Gandalf as he spoke with Bard "It will not come to that. This is a fight they cannot win." says Bard.

Suddenly Bilbo and Ash appear running over "That won't stop them. You think the Dwarves will surrender? They won't. They will fight to the death to defend their own." says Bilbo Ash leans agents the wall in pain her eyes widen at Bard "Bard?" she ask he looks to her and walks over she hugs him "Thank god your alive." she says he hugs back.

"Ash my dear what sickness has taken hold of you?" ask Gandalf Ash shakes her head "I don't know." she says "Well we must speak with Thranduil right now." says Gandalf Ash's eyes widen "No no no no no we can't I mean go ahead but he can't know I'm here." she says Gandalf looks over to her "He's marked me I'm a dead women walking." she says.

Gandalf puts a hand on her shoulder "No harm will come to you as long as I am here I promise." says Gandalf Ash nods weakly and pulls the hood of her cloak up.

They meet in Thranduil's tent all walking in Ash sits down Gandalf behind her here head down scared out of her mind Thranduil walks in the second his eyes land on Ash her death mark starts glowing his eyes grow in anger "You will not do her harm in my presence." says Gandalf pulling off Ash's hood Thranduil sits down annoyed then.

"If I'm not mistaken, this is the Halfling who stole the keys to my dungeons from under the nose of my guards." he says "Yes. Sorry about that. We came to give you this." says Bilbo he shows them the Arkenstone "The Heart of the Mountain. The King's jewel." says Thranduil "And worth a king's ransom." finishes Bard.

He looks from bilbo to Ash "How is this yours to give?" he ask "We took it as our share of the treasure." explains Ash "Why would you do this? You owe us no loyalty." says Bard "We're not doing it for you. We know that Dwarves can be obstinate and pigheaded and difficult. And suspicious and secretive with the worst manners you can possibly imagine, but they are also brave and kind and loyal to a fault. I've grown very fond of them, and I would save them if I can." explains Bilbo "But Thorin values this stone above all else. In exchange for its return, we believe he will give you what you were owed. There will be no need for war." explains Ash.

After hearing them out Bilbo, Gandalf, and Ash leave as they walk through the ruin streets of Dale "Rest up tonight. You must leave on the morrow." says Gandalf "What?" ask Bilbo and Ash they stop walking "Get as far away from here as possible." says Gandalf "We're not leaving." says Bilbo quickly.

Gandalf looks at them a little shocked "Oh?" "You picked us as the fourteenth and fifteenth. W'er not about to leave the company now." says Ash "There is no company, not any more. And I don't like to think what Thorin would do when he finds out what you've done." says Gandalf "We are not afraid of Thorin." says Bilbo "Well, you should be. Don't underestimate the evil of gold. Gold over which a serpent had long brooded. Dragon-sickness seeps into the hearts of all who came to this Mountain. Almost all." says Gandalf.

He looks around and then calls over to Alfrid, he groans and walks over "You there! Find these Hobbits a bed and fill there belly with hot food. They've earned it." says Gandalf. As Alfrid goes to take Bilbo and Ash Gandalf stops him "Hey. Keep an eye on them. If they should try to leave, you tell me." he says.

Alfrid walks over to the siblings "Move it. Stupid Hobbit." he says.


The next morning, the Elf and Lake-town armies stand before Erebor to face the dwarves; back in Dale Alfrid goes to wake Bilbo and Ash. He sees they are  gone. 

Back at Erebor Thranduil and Bard ride slowly towards the stone gate when Thorin shoots his arrow to land in front of Thranduil "I will put the next one between your eyes." he shouts The dwarves cheer for Thorin when Thranduil indicates to his Elf army to aim their arrows at them, the dwarves hide behind the stone wall, Thranduil then indicates for his army to stand down.

"We've come to tell you payment of your debt has been offered and accepted." says Thranduil.

"What payment? I gave you nothing. You have nothing." says Thorin.

Bard takes out the Arkenstone and holds it up "We have this." he says.

All the dwarves are shocked "They have the Arkenstone. Thieves! How came you by the heirloom of our house? That stone belongs to the king." shouts Kili "The King may have it, with our good will." bargains Bard he puts the Arkenstone back in his pocket "But first he must honor his word." Bard finishes.

"They're taking us for fools. This is a ruse, and a filthy lie. The Arkenstone is in this Mountain, it is a trick!" shouts Thorin

"I-it's no trick. The stone is real." says Ash "We gave it to them." says Bilbo they all face a two sorry looking hobbits Thorin faces them "You?" he ask "We took it as our share." says Bilbo "You would steel from me?" ask Thorin "Steel from you? No, no. We may be burglars, but we like to think we're honest ones. W'er willing to let it stand against out claim." says Ash tired.

"Against your claim?" ask Thorin madness in his eyes Thorin chuckles "Your claim? You have no claim over me, you miserable rats!" he shouts "We were going to give it to you. Many times we wanted to, but..." starts Bilbo he didn't have the heart to say it.

"But what, thieves?" ask Thorin.

"You are changed, Thorin. The Dwarf I met in Bag End would never have gone back on his word, would never have doubted the loyalty of his kin." says Ash "Do not speak to me of loyalty." says Thorin he turns to the dwarves "Throw them from the rampart!" he shouts.

The dwarves do not move, refusing to carry out his order "Did you not hear me?! I will do it myself." shouts Thorin he grabs hold of the sick Ash "I curse you!" he shouts the other dwarves and Bilbo try to stop him from throwing Bilbo over the edge "No!" shouts Fili "Cursed be the wizard that forced you both on this company!" shouts Thorin.

Suddenly Gandalf appears below among the Elf army and walks up to the front "If you don't like my burglars, then please don't damage them. Return them to me. You're not making a very splendid figure as King under the Mountain, are you, Thorin, son of Thrain?" ask Gandalf Thorin lets Ash go she withers down to the stone.

"Never again will I have dealings with wizards!" shouts Thorin

"Go." says Bofur to Bilbo and Ash.

"Or Shire rats!" shouts Thorin to them as well.

Bilbo and Ash go over the wall and starts going down the rope to join Gandalf and the others "Are we resolved? The return of the Arkenstone for what was promised." starts Bard Thorin looks over to the horizon "Give us your answer. Will you have peace or war?" Bard ask just as Thorin's about to decide a black crow lands in front of him he smirks.

"I will have war!!!" shouts Thorin.

Just then an army of Dwarves led by Thorin's cousin Dain Ironfoot arrives.

"Ironfoot." says Gandalf in disbelief.

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