Chapter Twenty Five~My Nephew, Frodo

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It was another beautiful day in the Shire, Ash goes to collect mail and looks through the letters her eyes widen and a smile forms on her face "Bilbo! It's letters from Fili and Balin and Bofur and just everyone!!!" she shouts running back inside.


A couple years later the siblings discovered why Ash still looked like she only just turned 19 it was silly they hadn't seen it earlier. She was a Dragon-Born they live a lot lot longer, Bilbo was aging and Ash had looked like she just turned 20.


"And as dwarves followed there king into battle there was no question about the bravery in there hearts." Ash says dramatically to the child sitting in front of her, Bilbo walks in "Are you telling Frodo the story again?" he ask "Again, Again!!!" shouts Frodo "It's called being the best aunt Bilbo." she says he sighs and walks out.

"Is the dragon lady still queen?" ask Frodo, with time Ash forgot all about her being a queen and didn't know how to answer "I'm tired." says baby Frodo Ash giggle and picks him up "Then how about we go to bed?" she ask "If I get in bed can you tell me the part about the elves?" ask Frodo Ash smiles "Of course." she says.


Years later. White flowers are scattered among the Well seeded grasses. An idyllic setting at the end of a long hot summer... the figure is reading a book. In the distance,growing louder..over the Gentle clip clop of an approaching cart and horse can be heard the humming of a deep voice to the tune of "The Road Goes Ever On and On..."

SUDDENLY! The figure in the grass sits up...looking straightat camera is a handsome young hobbit, with dark curly hairand deep blue eyes. This is FRODO BAGGINS...his eyes alight with EXCITEMENT! Tossing away the long stem of grass in hismouth, Frodo runs off. 

The cart rattles along a leafy lane, driven by a stoopedfigure in Grey. The shambling old pony snorts and rears as... suddenly Frodo appears on a bank above the cart. 

"You're late." he says. 

The gray figure glowers at the young Hobbit..."A Wizard is never late, Frodo Baggins, nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to." They look at each other a moment..then both start laughing as Frodo's face breaks into a smile and he leaps on to the frontseat of the cart. "It's wonderful to see you, Gandalf!" shouts Frodo.

Next to Gandalf, we see how small Hobbits are...Frodo is 3foot 6 inches tall. "You didn't think I'd miss your Uncle Bilbo's birthday?" he ask. The cart rattles past a field lupin being tended by Hobbits. "What news of the outside world? Tell me everything!" says Frodo. 

Gandalf looks down at Frodo, a twinkle in his eye. "What, everything? Far too eager and curious for a Hobbit. Most unnatural..." says Gandalf. The cart rattles over a Stone bridge towards a Busy Hobbit Marketplace."Well, what can I tell you? Life in the wide world goes on much as if it has past age. Full of its own comings and goings, scarcely even aware of the existence of Hobbits..." says Gandalf as he surveys the peaceful scene before him. 

"...for which I am very thankful." he finishes. Hobbits look up exclaiming in wonder and excitement as thecart bearing Gandalf and Frodo rolls past the Green Dragon Inn...towards... The party field. Where scores of Hobbits are busy preparing for the big night. 

"Ah, the long expected party. So, how is the old rascal? I hear it's going to be a Party of Special Magnificence." says Gandalf "You know Bilbo...he's got he whole place in an uproar." says Frodo.

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