Chapter 4

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Days went by since then. And I've been paired with Lexeaus most of those days. At first I was relieved by this news. He was a strong man and is one of the few members that didn't scare me. But I soon realized why Saix assigned him to me quicker than you could run from a Dusk with horrible cooking. Lexeaus was a hard-core trainer. How could I have forgotten that in Roxas' training with him that he literally beat him up just so he could use a special technique? But unlike Roxas I have him several days in a row. Every day he trained me to the bone and there was more than one moment in those few days that I thought I was going to die. I was sore tired and exhausted. But despite that I had learn quite a bit of fighting from him and where I now stand as a fighter.

But that still doesn't make me a very good fighter.

I was definitely not a strong attack based fighter. And my magic stamina wasn't good either. But my defense was better than average and I am able to run in short bursts. At least I now know where I stand.

During my few days I was also paired with a few other members.

Zexion was the second person I was paired with most for missions. Recon was the main focus in our missions as well as him teaching me how to properly open a portal of darkness. It was incredibly hard to figure out but after wasted hours of practicing I was able to concoct one. But he still suggests when I'm paired with another member on a mission, to just let them deal with the portals. I don't blame him considering how many times we ended up in so many separate parts of Twilight Town instead of RTC'ing like we were supposed to because I insisted on trying myself.

Being paired with Larxene and Marluxia was the worst part of it all though. Larxene ran me like a slave, treating me like a worthless piece of trash and Marluxia being overly nice and oh so curious about my keyblade. He had always given me the creeps and he never ceases to send chills down my spine with his false kindness.

But finally today I was paired with no one since the others were on more important missions.

And no surprise my mission was:

'Collect hearts'

An easily obtainable task, meaning I can get done quicker and go back to recon faster. My body felt so sore though, so it took me longer than I had wanted. I hated this so much. All I want was to go lay down and only get up to go eat, pee, or take a shower. But sadly I wasn't home.

Sighing I walk around the streets of Twilight Town.

I had finished within a couple of hours but I didn't want to recon and face Saix alone with his brooding emotionless face. I can hear him now, reprimanding me for not getting the job done quicker or not getting more than the required amount.

I look up to the sky and sighed irritably before noticing I was at the station. For a small moment I glance longingly at the clock tower before turning away to go over to the ledge at the train station. I watch the sunset before closing my eyes and embraced the lingering warmth of the sun. As the warmth lulled me I slowly drifted off to sleep.

"Nice view."

Jolting awake from a nap I didn't even know I was taking, I look up to let out a small screech and stumble back. A tall lanky male with red hair held his hands up in defense at my reaction.

"Woah there jumpy! I'm not gonna hurt ya!" He stated a little bit surprised at my reaction.

"A-ah sorry…. Aren't you-?"

"Who? That guy with the spiky red hair from the organization? Yup that's me. The names Axel, got it memorized?" he poked a finger at the side of his forehead while placing a hand on his hip.

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